
  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to [dispatch]”

    We have had a number of contingency events this year that have stretched the electricity market to it limits including bushfires, high winds and high temperatures. These are all weather events that we can expect will continue into the future, putting continue stress onto electricity infrastructure (see CSIROs report). These are...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | A little [ price volatility ] goes a long way

    The year of 2020 is slowly ending which means that summer has well and truly arrived. However, for those with some connection to the NEM, this is a period where speculation peaks in terms of what summer has in store for us – and with good reason! Of all parts...

  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | The fire between us: the day bushfires separated NSW & Victoria

    This summer has already sprung many newsworthy events for the NEM including broader climate discussions with increased tightening of demand/supply balance. On Saturday 4 January, bushfires directly impacted the NEM. They triggered a series of supply disruptions resulting in power prices in NSW hitting value of lost load (VoLL). In...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | “Feel the flow”: changing interconnection dynamics post Liddell

    Locational constraints, high renewable penetration zones and fossil fuel failures or retirements are changing the nature of electricity flows in the market. As a result, Interconnection in the National Electricity Market is playing an increasingly important role in balancing supply and demand. On 4 January 2020, bushfires caused transmission outages...