storage investment model

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    How much ‘annuity’ do you need under LTESA?

    The NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap’s second competitive tender round for firming infrastructure commenced on 3 April 2023. This second round is focused on supporting LTESA firming supply proponents, where ‘the LTES Operator will have the option to access a capped annuity payment as a top-up to the operating revenues of...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Operating in a vicious cycle

    When project developers evaluate the potential profits for a new battery project in the NEM, one key variable being considered is the maximum allowable cycling rate of the battery. Cycling at higher rates can enable more arbitrage profits to be earned, but every MWh of energy that passes through the...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Spot the spread: Are current battery revenues enough to encourage further investment?

    In AEMO’s ‘Step Change’ scenario, it was estimated that storage capacity in the NEM would need to increase by a factor of 30 between 2022 and 2050 to support a grid transformation that limits temperature rises below 2 degrees. This represents about 13GW of new storage capacity by 2030 and...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Iceman Liddell calls it a career

    Recently in the news, there has been some concern that the closure of the Liddell power station in NSW will be a repeat of what we witnessed in 2017 with the closure of Hazelwood. Hazelwood’s closure led to higher prices, particularly over summer peak demand periods1. This is a poor...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Exploring the impact of storage assets on QEJP sensitivities

    Battery storage has great potential to generate high revenues during large market shifts, especially in Queensland (as shown in our previous analysis in Cotw #158). The Queensland government’s recently announced Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP) would be another big shift as it aims to reduce the state’s reliance on generation...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Christmas comes early for South Australian battery owners

    The choice of Chart of the week was an easy one following Saturday’s storms that ‘reined’ down on South Australia. The state became isolated from the rest of the National Electricity Market after one of ElectraNet’s pylons, supporting the interconnector between SA and Victoria, was knocked down[1].   The consequence...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    State of Storage: Investigating battery profit for NEM states

    It has been an interesting year for Australian energy markets, facing unprecedentedly high energy prices, coal outages, and market suspension. In today’s Chart of the week, we will investigate the impact a BESS would have made during FY 2022. Using Cornwall Insight Australia’s battery simulation model, we simulated a stand-alone...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Fast Frequency Response (FFR) market: Is the NEM prepared for a new market?

    In July 2021, final rules were published to introduce two new market ancillary services – a very fast raise and very fast lower service. These markets would provide an FCAS contingency response faster than the existing 6-second market. The Fast Frequency Response (FFR) markets are set to commence on 9...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Mandated PFR tunes out regulation FCAS markets – What happens to batteries?

    The introduction of the mandatory Primary Frequency Response (PFR) in September 2020 improved frequency control of the NEM considerably, as highlighted by AEMO. In this Chart of the week, we look at NEM mainland FCAS regulation services dispatch before and after PFR implementation and the behaviour of the Hornsdale Power...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Don’t look back in anger: are peaking assets exploiting 5-min price spikes?

    Building on our previous Chart of the week in October, where we reviewed the first couple of weeks of 5-minute settlement, we wanted to revisit this topic. Now two months in, we take another look and see how well the fastest responding assets in the NEM are capturing the best...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Houston, we have a transmission problem

    Variable Renewable Energy is making tremendous strides towards the predominant energy source in the NEM, but its voracious capital intensity is over-running existing transmission capacity. Consumers are faced with a $3.5bn transmission build cost over the next 20 years, which to return value relies heavily on the emergence of grid...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    The Victorian story of gas demand segments

    The Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM) prices in Victoria have been on a rising trend since the start-up of LNG exports in 2015. Is this trend sustainable, given the Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) forecasts an improved gas supply outlook with the new Port Kembla Gas Terminal (PKGT) expected to...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Why invest in batteries?

    Batteries currently participate in the wholesale arbitrage and FCAS services (contingency and regulation). However, a lack of clarity in policies and regulations specific to batteries create uncertainties for investors. The key challenge is to determine and capture all possible battery value streams (current and future services). Stacked value streams increase...