
  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | Going for green: record level of wind generation in the NEM

    In the spirit of the Australian Olympic team, instantaneous wind generation in the National Energy Market (NEM) reached new heights during a blustery end to July. Output hit a record 6,427MW at 8:05 pm on 25 July, after breaking 6,000MW for the first time just the day before. In this...

  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | Examining Victoria’s recent wind drought

    This ‘Chart of the week’ examines the recent spell of low wind generation in Victoria and associated elevated prices. Previously, ‘Chart of the week’ issue 78 highlights the risk of wind droughts within the National Electricity Market (NEM) due to the high correlation of wind fronts both within states and...

  • Low carbon generation

    Chart of the week | Offshore wind – OFTO the bank

    With the Government recently announcing the offshore transmission network review, this Chart of the Week takes a look at the recent trends in the OFTO tender process. The OFTO regime was established in 2009 by the Government and Ofgem. In many countries, responsibility for constructing and operating offshore electricity transmission...