Low carbon Hydrogen

Low-carbon hydrogen can play a crucial role towards reducing net zero emissions, as it has applications in the transport, heat and industrial sectors.

Our experts have knowledge of the policy and regulatory landscape as well as relevant business models and revenue streams for both electrolytic (green) hydrogen and CCUS-enabled (blue) hydrogen.

For example, we produced analysis and insights regarding low carbon hydrogen consumption in UK industries to support decarbonisation, highlighting the market for potential hydrogen supply for developers and offtakers. We also calculated the costs of blue and green hydrogen, based on current and projected gas prices.

Low carbon Hydrogen

  • > Low carbon Hydrogen

    Hydrogen Index

    The role of low-carbon hydrogen in achieving our net zero targets has been a topic of significant discussion at a global level, with many nations furthering their commitments to hydrogen development. Following this discussion and providing an international view of the market, our Low-carbon Hydrogen Index explores the hydrogen strategies...