customer protection

  • Business supply and services

    Responses to COVID-19 boost energy suppliers’ reputations with customers

    2020 is, unfortunately, proving to be a year that we will never forget. It has been a year of change and adaptability for us all, including domestic energy suppliers, with many suppliers having had to adapt to increasing numbers of customers in distress while operating at reduced capacity and/or with...

  • Water

    Water sector adapts quickly to COVID-19 crisis

    The GB water sector, like almost every sector in the UK, has not escaped from the pressures posed by the COVID-19 crisis. In this article, we present the approaches taken by the respective regulators in England & Wales (Ofwat) and in Scotland (WICS), and MOSL (the market operator for England...

  • Regulation and policy

    New Year’s Resolution – Improve the Protections Given to Vulnerable Consumers

    Ofgem published its final Consumer Vulnerability Strategy (CVS) in October, setting out how it plans to tackle vulnerability in the energy market. While the CVS covers the time period up until 2025 the regulator gives us an idea of what to expect in the first year of the strategy in...