• Commercial and market outlook

    April showers bring DUoS for every half hour

    Almost two years ago, Ofgem approved DCP268 DUoS Charging Using HH Settlement Data, which will move existing non-Half Hourly (NHH) settled demand customers onto time-based Half Hourly (HH) Distribution Use of System (DUoS) unit rate charges. With the modification to be implemented in the DCUSA on 1 April, we revisit...

  • Regulation and policy

    Are IDNOs margins about to be squeezed?

    Earlier this month, voting closed on a potential rule change that could have important consequences for the network charges faced by electricity Licenced Distribution Network Operators (LDNOs), including independent network operators (IDNOs). DCUSA proposal DCP266 The Calculation and Application of IDNO Discounts was raised by British Gas in March 2016...