Smart Export Guarantee

  • Home supply and services

    Generation guaranteed: suppliers increase Smart Export Guarantee rates  

    The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), as the successor to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme, offers payments to small-scale low-carbon generators for the electricity they export, with export rates and tariffs being set by SEG licensees. Since the new year we have seen notable increases and changes in the export rates...

  • Regulation and policy

    Principles-based SEG-ulation

    The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) went live on 1 January 2020. While billions around the world were welcoming in a new decade, new obligations meant that from that moment all suppliers with over 150,000 domestic electricity customers had to have a SEG compliant tariff. A SEG compliant tariff, simply put,...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from this week’s Energy Spectrum | 670

    The government’s decision last week to legislate for a net zero carbon emissions target by 2050 is an epoch defining development for the energy sector. However, as we discuss in this week’s Energy Perspective, there is now greater expectation on the content of the upcoming White Paper to see if policy measures...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from Energy Spectrum | 661

    In this week’s Energy Perspective, we consider investor confidence and market sentiment following the legal challenge to the Capacity Market, the specific steps BEIS has taken to settle nerves and also the general support being afforded to demand-side response to provide market access. The proposals from government in its Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) consultation...

  • Home supply and services

    Smart export guarantee

    This summary outlines Cornwall Insight’s response to BEIS’ January consultation on the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). It expresses support for the broad thrust of the SEG proposals and identifies key issues for further consideration. Overview The proposals set out in the 8 January document The Future for Small-scale Low-carbon Generation...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from this week’s Energy Spectrum | Issue 649

    There is scant evidence that dividend payments are crowding out long-term investment in either the regulated or competitive utilities market, while regulators have been lax in policing capital structures of the regulated network companies. In our Energy Perspective piece this week Cornwall Insight Associate Peter Atherton rebuts the argument that...