
  • Net zero corporates and ESG

    Australian energy market investment forum

    This is a free forum for banks and energy investors; a safe place to ask questions about what to look for in projects, how to understand the forecasting aspect of project due-diligence, interpret risks and opportunities, and understand the accuracy and volatility of data (results and assumptions). This is an...

  • Webinars

    The Australian hydrogen economy series (free forum)

    Now part of the Australian energy investment forum: power, gas, and hydrogen debriefing Who would benefit from these forums: Investors keen on understanding hydrogen’s use cases and business modelsEnergy practitioners looking for a well-rounded and in-depth introduction to the hydrogen economy and its usesEnergy sector experts interested in its macro...

  • Forums

    Australian energy investment forum: power, gas, and hydrogen debriefing (free forum)

    ​​In the increasingly volatile market, how do investors and decision-makers make sense of it all? And what role will hydrogen play in Australia’s energy future? These are the key topics in Cornwall Insight Australia’s upcoming Australian energy investment and hydrogen forum on 23 November 2022. Presented by Cornwall Insight Australia...