
Energy Market Analyst/Specialist

Mobile: 0448 957 929
Email: d.oconnor@cornwall-insight.com.au

Damien is an Energy Market Analyst/Specialist at Cornwall Insight with over ten years of experience with consulting and utilities businesses in the Australian energy industry.

He has specialised in energy market modelling, advising investors in new renewable generation, retail price setting and implementation, and network benchmarking focusing on data analysis and sensitivity testing.

Key projects and experience in the sector include building numerous revenue and pricing models, projecting small-scale PV and battery uptake and certificates to 2050, forecasting load growth, demand and unserved energy through Monte Carlo simulations, estimating the impact of gas prices and competitive bidding strategies on NEM prices, modelling optimal inter-day battery charge and discharge, researching the value of distributed generation to distribution networks, and developing a business case and carbon abatement model for EV purchases.

Damien is passionate about supporting Cornwall Insight’s energy market customers as they lead the decarbonisation of the Australian economy. He provides subscription services to update customers about the latest market developments to support their strategic decision-making.