
Lead Analyst

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542147

Joe is a Lead Analyst in our Assets and Infrastructure team leading our flexibility related reporting, covering aspects related to battery storage, balancing services, the Balancing Mechanism, and routes to market for flexible assets. He is the lead presenter of Cornwall Insight’s Flexibility Academy, and is a presenter at Cornwall Insight’s monthly Flexibility Forum.

More broadly, Joe also has experience reporting on international commodity markets, wholesale gas and power markets, both in GB and Ireland. 

Latest thinking

Energy storage and flexibility

Keeping up to speed: latest developments in the flexibility space 

Each month we hold our Flexibility Forum covering the latest developments in the flexibility space in GB, providing an opportunity for forum members to keep up to date with the goings on across policy, regulation, and markets – in a space that is seemingly everchanging and rarely static.   In this...

Regulation and policy

Come gather ‘round people: recent policy and industry developments 

In the recent weeks and months there has been a flurry of policy documents published seeking to address both near-term and future challenges in the energy market. In our latest blog, we provide a summary of some of the key updates across Low Carbon Generation, Flexibility Markets, and Electricity and...

Energy storage and flexibility

What is Liquefied natural gas (LNG) and how did it help UK and Europe this winter?

What is Liquefied natural gas (LNG)? Natural gas that has been cooled down to a liquid form is known as liquefied natural gas (LNG). The cooling process shrinks the volume of natural gas making it easier and safer to store and ship overseas. Natural gas is a fossil fuel which...

Energy storage and flexibility

Balancing Reserve: ESO proposes new regulating reserve service

In recent months National Grid ESO has been developing a new reserve service to improve the management of the system and enable the grid to accommodate zero carbon operation of the electricity system by 2025. On 28 September the ESO first announced at their Autumn 2022 Markets Forum, a proposal...

Energy storage and flexibility

Five key trends from the flexible asset PPA market

On 20 May, we published our sixth edition of our Flexible Asset PPA Market report. This is our biannual survey and analysis of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for flexible assets in GB, seeking to understand the market size, active offtakers and optimisers in the space, latest market trends,...

Energy storage and flexibility

DNO to DSO: A work in progress

Last month the Electricity Network Association (ENA) published updated figures regarding the procurement of Distribution Network Operator (DNO) flexibility services. This is the latest update from the ENA since April this year, with the document highlighting the historical uptake of services across the DNO regions. The publication also provides projections...

Energy storage and flexibility

Imbalance prices rise for sixth consecutive month

This week we delve into system imbalance pricing, and look at the latest movements from the Balancing Market (BM). The BM ultimately reflects the actions taken by the transmission system operator to keep the system balanced. These actions determine the Imbalance Settlement Price (ISP) for each of the half-hourly settlement...

Low carbon generation

All-Island wind dispatch-down rises year-on-year

On 17 September, EirGrid published its Annual Renewable Energy Constraint and Curtailment Report 2019 which sets out the amount of wind and, for the first time, solar energy, that is available but cannot be used by the system (i.e. the dispatch-down of energy). Overall, the dispatch-down of energy from wind in Ireland...