Domestic energy supplier forum

Our monthly ‘Domestic energy supplier forum’ highlights the latest news and developments that could have a material impact for suppliers. Each member has a diverse company background, objectives and customer profiles and the forum attempts to address the needs and concerns of each member.

Given the rate of change in policy and regulation in the energy sector, a regular and comprehensive overview of development in this area is crucial. Our experts will take you through the latest issues of the month, so you are kept up to date, allowing you to be able to assess the effects of these on your business.

Each ‘Domestic energy supplier forum’ includes some ‘focus issues’, these are the most important developments in the month and are chosen by our members. Guest speakers support these discussions, and you will have the opportunity to feedback your views and ask any questions to either our experts or guest speakers.

Guest speakers are regularly invited to present on particular topics of relevance to attendees; previous speakers included Ofgem, BEIS and Citizens Advice.

The platform provides you with a regular opportunity to air concerns and gauge views from other attendees, as well as space to network with leading players in this sector.

Benefits of attending

  • understand the key regulatory and policy developments in the energy sector
  • exchange information and views with other independent suppliers
  • gain direct access to Ofgem, government and code administrators to examine developments in detail

Who is it for?

  • Suppliers

Please contact us for more information