Flexibility forum

The ‘Flexibility forum’ is part of our Flexibility package and allows you to acquire an in-depth, real-time understanding of the commercial flexibility landscape. It discusses the issues that are currently and will be impacting flexibility and the demand-side response sector helping you identify the risks and opportunities for your business.

The ‘Flexibility forum’ allows you to hear original analysis on regulatory, policy and market developments that impact flexibility providers. This half-day monthly event covers topics on network charging and embedded benefits, competition and values in the capacity and balancing services as well as, system balancing rules, a generation mix outlook and coverage of wholesale market developments. By keeping you updated on the latest issues in the market, you will be better placed to make the right decisions to suit your business needs.

The format is interactive and provides a platform for you to engage with Cornwall Insight’s experts and industry specialists. You will be able to ask any questions you may have to the experts. In addition, you will be provided with the opportunity to scrutinise relevant decision-makers in the sector.

Benefits of attending

  • help identify opportunities and risks
  • discuss thoughts on regulatory policy market developments
  • engage with industry experts

Who is it for?

  • flexibility providers
  • generators
  • developers
  • investors
  • suppliers

Please contact us for more information training@cornwall-insight.com