Scottish generators forum

The ‘Scottish generators forum’ provides you with an in-depth understanding of the latest developments for renewable and flexible technologies located in Scotland. With meetings held once every two months, the forum gives you a platform to discuss the latest issues that may affect you.

The meetings are designed explicitly with companies active in the Scottish energy generation markets in mind. Our experts will take you through policy, regulatory updates, market news and developments. They will also provide you with their latest thinking and analysis on the critical topics of the day. This information should not only give you a better understanding of the risk and opportunities that may impact your business but help you make informed business strategy decisions.

The format is interactive and provides a platform for you to engage with Cornwall Insight experts and industry specialists. You will be able to ask any questions you may have to the experts and air concerns and gauge the views of other attendees.

Furthermore, the ‘Scottish generators forum’ provides a space for you to be able to network with leading players in Scotland. It enables peer conversation and allows you to engage with intelligence sharing. You will also be able to discuss issues and solutions for the problems of the day.

Benefits of attending

  • keep up to date with market developments
  • opportunity to ask questions to experts and industry speakers
  • networking

Who is it for

  • owners and operators of renewable generators
  • owners and operators of flexible generators
  • asset investors
  • technical advisors

Please contact us for more information