Independent and trusted market research and intelligence

Through a combination of in-depth industry knowledge and practical experience, our market intelligence services will help keep you up to date with developments in the industry and understand their impact on your business


  • 5-Year Power Projector

    The Cornwall Insight ‘5-year power price projection’ service is designed to provide foresight of potential market price developments and to enable customers to plan activities and budgets accordingly.

  • Capacity Market Forecast

    The Capacity Market forecast provides a comprehensive analysis of the Capacity Market auctions (T-4 and T-1), with short-term and long-term auction prices, helping you understand the market dynamics that may impact upon prices achieved.

  • Germany Benchmark Power Curve

    The Germany Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by significant market, policy, and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts.​

  • Great Britain Benchmark Power Curve

    The Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by our significant market, policy and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts.

  • Japan Benchmark Power Curve

    The Japan Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts in partnership with Shulman Advisory. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by significant market, policy, and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts.​

  • Network Forecasts

    Expert long-term forecasting for network use of system charges and revenues applicable to generators connected to the GB network. These are delivered with a configurable tool able to create projects specific forecasts based on its technology type, expected load factors, and location on the network.

  • Non-Commodity Costs

    Our long-term forecast of Non-Commodity Costs is the industry-leading source of information, underpinned by subject matter experts, to help you understand the trajectory of charges. We also provide further in-depth analysis of the costs associated with the Contracts for Difference and Feed in Tariff schemes.

  • SEM Benchmark Power Curve

    Cornwall Insight’s SEM Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service that delivers long-term price forecasts, informed by industry-leading regulatory, market and policy expertise, and supplemented with direct access to trusted practitioners.

Industry News & Analysis

  • Industry Essentials GB

    Detailed analysis on key industry topics, easily digestible and daily consolidated news, as well as an in-depth outlook for wholesale power, gas within the GB energy market and international commodity markets. 

Market Intelligence

  • Business and public sector decarbonisation

    In-depth analysis and concise regular updates on decarbonisation to ensure your organisation has the latest information to navigate the transition to net zero.

  • Business supply and services

    Our expert analysis and proprietary data ensure you stay ahead of the changing business supply and Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs) markets dynamics, in a complex and competitive GB market.

  • Flexibility

    Our comprehensive flexibility service provides detailed GB market insights and forecasting across the Electricity System Operator’s ancillary services, as well as access to our exclusive forum.

  • Home supply and services

    Our trusted market share data, tariff tracking and in-depth analysis on GB supplier activity, ensures you stay ahead in a competitive market.

  • Low Carbon Generation

    Our dedicated insight on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and green certificates, with access to experts via the Green Generators Group forum, allows you to track the latest developments across low carbon generation markets.

  • Low carbon transport

    Our EV experts draw unique insight from multiple sources of industry data to help you assess GB market changes, international developments and key policy updates in a constantly evolving industry.

  • Revenue Streams & PPA Insight

    Our dedicated insight on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and green certificates allows you to track the latest developments across low carbon generation markets.

  • Smart Homes

    Our 'Connected homes insight service' sets out the emerging strategies of those operating in the connected homes space and their routes to market.

Policy & Regulation

  • Regulatory Intelligence

    Our code modifications and consultation registers for GB, help you understand what industry rule changes mean for you through tailored reports and dedicated forums.

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