Flexibility markets report

The ‘Flexibility markets report’ is part of our Flexibility service, and provides key analysis on the commercial developments throughout the flexibility revenue streams across GB. Providing a collective view of value across all National Grid ESO and DSO flexibility markets, the report provides a monthly analysis of market developments and revenue benchmark and backcast assessments.

The service is designed for market participants, asset owners or optimisers, and investors, and provides commercial clarity across all flexible market revenue streams coupled with an independent view of the value of flexibility.


Many flexibility providers are now engaged in multiple revenue streams across the market, often switching between the different markets to seek the best value.

Cornwall Insight’s ‘Flexibility markets report’ provides an overview of the commercial developments throughout the various revenue streams for flexibility providers. Ultimately, providing a collective view of value across all National Grid ESO and DSO flexibility markets.

Issued monthly, each report will provide you with an independent view of potential earned revenues in flexibility markets via our revenue benchmarks and backcasts.

Subscribers to this service will also receive data packs, providing readers with the core underlying data used in the report.

Key components

Report on all revenue streams
The ‘Flexibility markets report’ will provide a commercial update of core industry services including; Firm Frequency Response (FFR), weekly response auctions, Dynamic Containment (DC), Balancing Mechanism (BM), new reserve services, and pathfinders and Distribution System Operator (DSO) opportunities.

Data packs
Issued alongside the report, our experts will provide all the background data used from our coverage (e.g. tender results and detailed BM data)

Revenue benchmark assessments and backcasts
The report will include revenue assessments based on typical business models – providing an independent view on market earnings.

Daily Balancing Mechanism (BM) reporting

The BM is a vital tool for National Grid ESO to manage the electricity system’s supply and demand. This service also includes regular coverage of BM dynamics, receiving daily market updates on BM activity and imbalance pricing.

Key benefits

  • Connecting the dots across all the major flexibility revenue streams – the BM, FFR, DC, Pathfinder projects, DSO services and future reserve and response markets.
  • Providing analysis on how flexibility providers are earning value across revenue streams and which assets and parties are performing strongly.
  • Highlighting developments to the services themselves and signposting future ancillary services
  • Cornwall Insight’s views on archetypal business models and revenue assessments provide you with an independent view of potential earned revenues in flexibility markets.

Who it’s for?

  • Flexible market participants
  • Asset owners and optimisers
  • Investors
  • Developers
  • Renewables generators
  • Suppliers
  • Flexibility offtakers

This is part of our Flexibility service, for more information please get in touch with us.

Tom Ross

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447

Email: t.ross@cornwall-insight.com

Please contact us to find out more