Flexible asset PPA market report

The ‘Flexible asset PPA market report’ is part of our Low Carbon Generation insight service. The report provides an overview of the size of the flexible generation market. Specifically, it looks at technology and companies and highlights the opportunities for offtakers to secure new Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Flexible generators who want to maximise the value from their assets benefit from understanding the range of PPAs services available, as well as who provides them. The report also keeps you up to date with crucial market developments in revenue streams and analysis of PPA price levels.

The bi-annual report contains Cornwall Insight’s views of the current and future size of the flexible generation market. For better analysis, this is broken down by capacity and the number of assets, by technology and company ownership. This will allow you to keep abreast of the market and the active key players.

Alongside the overview of the market is our survey of market participant’s views. It looks at the active offtakers in the market and the amount of capacity held by each offtaker. This provides you with a unique perspective on those engaged in the market and gives you insight into the revenue streams sought by flexible assets in PPAs.

As a part of the report, you will receive price benchmarking and revenue analysis. This explores PPA pricing and discounts across typical PPAs and technology archetypes. Also, we highlight PPA revenue share arrangements and potential earnings. With this knowledge, you should be able to make judgements on the market and evaluate where you stand.

Key benefits

  • aids route-to-market decisions
  • updates on relevant regulatory and policy developments
  • competitor analysis

Who is it for?

  • flexible generation asset developers
  • owners and investors
  • offtakers for flexible assets

This is part of our Low Carbon Generation insight service, for more information please get in touch with us.

Tom Ross

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447

Email: t.ross@cornwall-insight.com

Please contact us to find out more