Green certificates survey

The ‘Green Certificates Survey’ is part of our Low Carbon Generation service and provides results, with detailed analysis, from our quarterly survey of market participants active across green certificate markets. The survey is designed to provide greater market transparency for Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO), Continental Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) and Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGO) certificate markets. Green Certificate markets are notoriously opaque, and the subscription report provides visibility of the prices being realised across certificates markets, as well as insight into the market forces driving changes in certificate value.

The results outline a snapshot of current pricing and demand trends, aggregated across a typical range of 35-45 participants, which covers the full spectrum of generators, suppliers, and trader/ brokers. Aggregated price views are compared against real-world auction price data from two of the leading trading platforms for REGOs.

Subscribers to the service will receive the full results package, which includes:

  • Detailed analysis of reported prices for current and future compliance years, and by technology views
  • Commentary on aggregated views of price and demand drivers
  • Market participants’ view of key policy and regulatory changes that could impact the market
  • 15-year forecasts of REGO production from our Benchmark Power Curve
  • Analysis of historic demand trends, including an annual deep-dive of Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) data exploring trends in REGO and GoO demand
  • Ad-hoc coverage of new and developing markets, such as RTFCs, hydrogen and carbon offset markets, as they emerge

Who is it for?

  • Offtakers
  • Suppliers
  • Generators
  • Developers

This is part of our Low Carbon Generation insight service, for more information please get in touch with us.

Tom Ross

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447


Please contact us to find out more