Green power forecast

The ‘Green power forecast’ is part of our Low Carbon Generation insight service, and provides you with a long-term forward view for the different elements of your green power including, captured prices for different generation technologies, incorporating values achieved through the wholesale market, embedded benefits and renewable subsidy schemes.

The forecast provides a five-year outlook for market benchmark prices for solar, wind and baseload technologies, covering wholesale power, embedded benefits and REGOs, to see what revenue is achievable from green generation assets. With this data at your fingertips, you will be able to compare your renewable projects to values and support or even build a business case.

With an increasing range of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) providers, there are more routes to market than ever for selling green power. However, changes to support schemes and embedded benefits make understanding the most valuable option challenging.

Our ‘Green power forecast’ helps you to navigate this tricky area by covering the values achieved through a variety of PPAs with market prospects, as well as commentary from a range of key market players including offtakers and generators. With a quarterly assessment of competition and pricing, this report will help you evaluate project values and PPA offers and can be used as a reference when negotiating a new PPA.

Our analysis is supported by discussions with a range of market participants. We poll offtakers, generators/developers and traders to take their views on the types of deals on offer, emerging trends and the overall level of competition for renewable PPAs. This gives you a view of the market as it changes and the ability to track new offers from your competitors as momentum for subsidy-free renewable projects builds.

Key benefits

  • an independent view of market values
  • use retention assumptions to negotiate PPAs
  • commentary on new and subsidy-free routes to market

Who is it for?

  • offttakers
  • suppliers
  • generators
  • developers
  • investors
  • traders

This is part of our Low Carbon Generation insight service, for more information please get in touch with us.

Tom Ross

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447


Please contact us to find out more