Renewables PPA market share report

Our ‘Renewables PPA market share report’ is part of our Low Carbon Generation service, and provides you with a detailed and insightful assessment of the UK’s renewables Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market. The report highlights the amount of capacity under PPA and offtaker’s share of the market by providing detailed profiles of the top 20 offtakers.

Over recent years the PPA market has developed into a highly competitive sector. However, understanding who is most active in the market, and which offtakers are growing through offering better terms or innovative products can be complicated. Using data from our offtaker surveys as well as our own research, you will receive an accurate snapshot of offtakers PPA market share.

The ‘Renewables PPA market share report’ provides you with an understanding of the competition in the market. This is achieved through detailing offtaker strategies, pricing terms and contract length. By getting a comprehensive view of these factors, our report is designed to help inform business strategy in an area of the market where there is high competition.

As well as the key trends in the short and long-term PPA markets, the renewables PPA market share report provides you with a forecast of what capacity is expected to come online in the future. This forward-looking report should help you plan for the future and assist with product positioning within the market.

Key benefits

  • an accurate record of offtakers’ PPA market share
  • keeps you informed on developments in the PPA market, with information on new entrants and offtaker strategies
  • helps you remain competitive as an active offtaker signing PPAs

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • offtakers active in signing PPAs

This is part of our Low Carbon Generation service, for more information please get in touch with us.

Tom Ross

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447


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