SME pricing report (electricity and gas)

The ‘SME pricing report’ Is part of our Business supply and services package. The report covers both the electricity and gas markets and provides you with an evaluation of contract pricing across different suppliers offered by third-party intermediaries (price book information). You can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both pricing analysis.

There is increasing competition in the small and medium (SME) energy market as businesses look to grow and sustain their business. These quarterly reports act as an independent reference point for competitive pricing in a very opaque section of the market.

Each quarterly report includes coverage of pricing trends over time, helping you build a picture of overall market trends and shifting pricing strategies for individual suppliers.

As a part of your subscription, you will also receive accompanying data covering the prices of the contracts available. Each supplier in the market is profiled to help you assess each supplier’s strategies.

As a non-domestic supplier or third-party intermediary (TPI) understanding your competitors’ offerings is key to securing future contracts. Our expert team carefully monitors not only vital pricing trends but non-price aspects of competition as well. Our reports also detail acquisition and renewal prices for SMEs, giving you this essential insight into your competitors.

Additionally, with the pricing information, you will also receive a regulatory and market update. This news review will keep you well informed on the latest developments that will affect your business.

Key benefits

  • competitor insight
  • tracks pricing trends
  • help benchmark pricing
  • insight into market developments and news in the SME sector
  • provides a unique window into a very opaque area of competition

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • investors

This is part of our Business supply and services package, for more information please get in touch us.

Headshot of Magdalena Jennings, Senior Business Development Manager at Cornwall Insight.

Magdalena Jennings

Phone: +44 (0) 7789 669655


Please contact us to find out more