Transmission Network Use of System charges forecast

As the GB networks change to incorporate the rapid build out of low-carbon technologies, understanding network charges is becoming critical to assessing business cases for new and existing projects, especially in assessing locational decisions and impacts.

Cornwall Insight’s ‘Transmission Network Use of System charges (TNUoS) forecast’ is part of our Network Forecasts Service, and is designed to help generators, developers and existing asset-owners with a long-term 15-year view of generator TNUoS charges by region. We provide invaluable insight into how charges may develop and what impact this could have on your assets.


The TNUoS forecast, updated twice a year, provides a long-term forecast of expected costs and revenues from TNUoS charging. Through our independent power market modelling we also assess key drivers such as regulatory modifications and the generation mix.
The report provides subscribers with the ability to understand the trajectory of TNUoS costs and revenues beyond the horizon of current public forecasts, allowing you to integrate these into budgets and business plans.

The forecast builds on our long-standing work creating bespoke TNUoS forecasts for generator business cases, due diligence and cost assessments with these expert views and modelling capabilities incorporated into the service.

Key components

Long-term 15 year forecasts
The report provides a long-term independent view beyond the typical National Grid 5-year forecast horizon, helping support investment decisions and analysis.

Incorporating key regulatory change
Our independent modelling and subject matter expertise across network charging allows us to forecast and quantify the impacts of key regulatory changes and modifications impacting future TNUoS rates.

Data tool and specific analysis
An easy to use tool, allowing you to assess TNUoS costs across different zones and technologies. Our accompanying report provides key insights into the changes and drivers behind costs.


  • The report exemplifies a 15-year generator TNUoS forecast by region and technology.
  • Our modelling expertise is combined with our unparalleled understanding of regulatory modification issues to quantify the impacts of change on TNUoS charges.
  • Analysis is provided across all zones and all technology types, allowing portfolio analysis for investors and developers and providing a simple tool to incorporate into your business models.

Who is it for?

  • Renewable developers
  • Renewable generators
  • Investors
  • Flexibility assets

This is part of our Network Forecasts Service, for more information please contact Ophelia.

Tom Ross

Tom looks after this service.

Phone: +44 (0) 7909 874447


Please contact us to find out more