The Australian hydrogen economy series (free forum)

Now part of the Australian energy investment forum: power, gas, and hydrogen debriefing

Who would benefit from these forums:

  • Investors keen on understanding hydrogen’s use cases and business models
  • Energy practitioners looking for a well-rounded and in-depth introduction to the hydrogen economy and its uses
  • Energy sector experts interested in its macro role within the Australian energy sector and export opportunities
  • Government and regulatory bodies looking to better understand and support subsidies, rule changes, and legislation

Existing supporting structures:

  • $70 million funding envelope by ARENA to kick-start electrolyser projects
  • The CEFC committed $300 million of concessional finance through a new Advancing Hydrogen Fund
  • These packages take the Government’s commitments to the hydrogen industry to over $500 million since 2015
  1. The hydrogen economy session one: Australian hydrogen supply chain | 14 April 2021 – This session has now concluded. If you would like to request a copy of the recording and companying slides, please contact
  2. The hydrogen economy session two: Australian hydrogen economy financial and regulatory aspects | 13 October 2021 – This session has now concluded. If you would like to request a copy of the recording and companying slides, please contact
  3. The hydrogen economy session three: Australian hydrogen business cases | 11 May 2022 – 3pm – 4:30pm AEST – This session has now concluded. If you would like to request a copy of the recording and companying slides, please contact

Please contact us for more information