GB wholesale energy markets and risk management

This course runs across four days:

  • Session 1: 10 September 2024 10am – 12pm
  • Session 2: 11 September 2024 10am – 12pm
  • Session 3: 12 September 2024 10am – 12pm
  • Session 4: 13 September 2024 10am – 12pm

Wholesale markets are at the heart of the GB energy sector. In the drive towards net zero, there is a change in consumer behaviour and the generation mix, coupled with the impact of international markets. This means there has never been a more important time to understand the fundamentals underpinning traded markets, participant behaviours/ drivers and how to evaluate/ manage wholesale market risks.

The course explains:

  • Wholesale market fundamentals
  • How trading strategies are shaped to mitigate risks
  • Contractual routes to execute trades/ realise value
  • Market risks and practical approaches to managing them
  • Ways to measure risks
  • How risk metrics can inform trading strategies

The online sessions contain a mix of presentations, case studies and activities to reinforce learning and illustrate concepts.

Designed for:

  • Traders and analysts, risk management specialists
  • Suppliers/ generators/ investors and developers needing an understanding of how energy is valued and traded
  • I&C energy managers, supplier customer account managers
  • Regulation specialists/ policy makers and legal advisors

Learning & development objectives:

  • Wholesale energy market design – delivering for consumers
  • Market drivers and participants
  • Wholesale energy market risks
  • Approach to risk management
  • Suppliers and generators in the wholesale market
  • Measuring/ quantifying market price risk
  • Overview of risk metrics and their uses, including Value at Risk (VaR)
  • Future challenges and opportunities

What you can expect:

  • Delegates will receive soft copies of the materials presented by our market experts
  • Learning delivered by Cornwall Insight’s market experts
  • Pre-course materials, including an industry glossary and short primers
  • Case studies and interactive tools to reinforce learning

To book this course please click the ‘Book now’ button and fill in your details. A member of the Training Team will then get in contact to arrange payment.

Please contact us for more information