SEM Battery Revenue Forecast

The SEM Battery Revenue Forecast provides indicative forecasts of the revenues from battery storage assets across a number of different parameters and scenarios.
Our forecasting tool shows the highest possible net revenue for your battery assets in a number of scenarios. This is based on our two stage in-house revenue forecasting process, in which we:
Utilise our wider Benchmark Power Curves to produce input forecasts of the key revenue streams for battery storage assets (wholesale intraday and day ahead, Balancing Mechanism, Capacity Market and response services)
Optimise the parameters of a battery asset against those markets in order to obtain the best revenue possible. Trading error modifier and risk adjustment factors are also included to account for trading strategies and inaccurate forecasting, reflecting market approaches.
The forecasting tool allows clients to adjust the key parameters of the asset, such as asset duration, cycle limit and degradation rate structure, and build in adjustment factors to produce revenue forecasts based on the parameters selected.
What's included in the SEM Battery Revenue Forecast service?
Our forecasting tool allows users to modify the data based on a number of different variables, including start date, duration, price curve and degradation. While the accompanying report will provide a summary of changes to underlying fundamentals or our methodology in order to provide clarity to results.
The outputs will provide forecasts of the associated revenues and costs based upon your set parameters for a battery storage project.
- Forecasts over a 25-year period
- Modelled on the Cornwall Insight Benchmark Power Curve Central or Low price view
- Forecasts for 1hr to 4hr batteries
- Shape the results by your location (NI/IE)
- Determine the start date of the asset
- Ability to view results with or without degradation
- Outputs can be for transmission connected and distribution connected projects
- Revenue streams covered: wholesale intraday and day ahead, Balancing Mechanism, Capacity Market, network charges and system services
Who is this service for?
- Developers
- Asset Owners
- Generators
- Optimisers
- Financiers
What are the benefits?
- Market monitoring: The quarterly report helps users regularly assess the market, helping them understand how the battery storage market is changing in both the short and long term
- Portfolio Development: The report provides a detailed forecast of key revenue streams for storage assets, allowing for the initial assessment of a wide portfolio of storage assets
- Scenario assessment: The tool can assess the impact of key parameters which need considering when developing battery projects
- Financial Model Integration: Individual revenue stacks are provided in the results for easy integration into wider financial models
The SEM Battery Revenue Forecast provides indicative forecasts of the revenues from battery storage assets across a number of different parameters and scenarios.
Our forecasting tool shows the highest possible net revenue for your battery assets in a number of scenarios. This is based on our two stage in-house revenue forecasting process, in which we:
Utilise our wider Benchmark Power Curves to produce input forecasts of the key revenue streams for battery storage assets (wholesale intraday and day ahead, Balancing Mechanism, Capacity Market and response services)
Optimise the parameters of a battery asset against those markets in order to obtain the best revenue possible. Trading error modifier and risk adjustment factors are also included to account for trading strategies and inaccurate forecasting, reflecting market approaches.
The forecasting tool allows clients to adjust the key parameters of the asset, such as asset duration, cycle limit and degradation rate structure, and build in adjustment factors to produce revenue forecasts based on the parameters selected.
What's included in the SEM Battery Revenue Forecast service?
Our forecasting tool allows users to modify the data based on a number of different variables, including start date, duration, price curve and degradation. While the accompanying report will provide a summary of changes to underlying fundamentals or our methodology in order to provide clarity to results.
The outputs will provide forecasts of the associated revenues and costs based upon your set parameters for a battery storage project.
- Forecasts over a 25-year period
- Modelled on the Cornwall Insight Benchmark Power Curve Central or Low price view
- Forecasts for 1hr to 4hr batteries
- Shape the results by your location (NI/IE)
- Determine the start date of the asset
- Ability to view results with or without degradation
- Outputs can be for transmission connected and distribution connected projects
- Revenue streams covered: wholesale intraday and day ahead, Balancing Mechanism, Capacity Market, network charges and system services
Who is this service for?
- Developers
- Asset Owners
- Generators
- Optimisers
- Financiers
What are the benefits?
- Market monitoring: The quarterly report helps users regularly assess the market, helping them understand how the battery storage market is changing in both the short and long term
- Portfolio Development: The report provides a detailed forecast of key revenue streams for storage assets, allowing for the initial assessment of a wide portfolio of storage assets
- Scenario assessment: The tool can assess the impact of key parameters which need considering when developing battery projects
- Financial Model Integration: Individual revenue stacks are provided in the results for easy integration into wider financial models

Fill in your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible with more information about our SEM Battery Revenue Forecast service

Therese Murphy
Business Development Manager
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