Modelling capabilities

Cornwall Insight Australia’s deep market knowledge is combined with our sector-leading modelling capabilities to provide quantitative analysis of the current and future energy market and its impact on you and your decision-making.

Our forecasts result from immersive market experience and advanced mathematical modelling drawing on analysis of the latest market trends and developments.

Expert and sophisticated modelling, forecasting, and analytics

If you’d like to find out more about how our modelling insights can help you, please get in touch to talk about your requirements at

Our skills and expertise

Our team of dedicated energy modellers work with cutting-edge modelling tools to produce forecasts that various stakeholders can use to navigate the future of the energy sector, available as part of subscription and bespoke consulting services to meet your needs.

We use our power system modelling expertise to provide 30-year forecasts of marginal loss factor revenue adjustments at specific asset network locations to inform developers, lenders, equity investors, and operators and offer insight into the key drivers of these costs. In a particular location, we can also undertake curtailment analysis to highlight potential risks, the constraints that may cause curtailment, and the network drivers that can inform mitigation.

Our expertise includes:

  • Battery revenue forecasting
  • Market entry strategy 
  • Policy and market design 
  • Investment optimisation
  • Power market modelling, data, and analytics
  • Hydrogen storage
  • Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS)
  • Marginal Loss Factors and Curtailment

Our services

  • Japan Benchmark Power Curve

    The Japan Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts in partnership with Shulman Advisory. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by significant market, policy, and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts.​ Key Features: 30-year forecasts of JEPX power prices for generating technologies covering Chubu,…

  • Storage Profitability Benchmark Curve

    The Storage Profitability Benchmark Curve is designed to provide a detailed revenue projection of battery storage projects across the National Electricity Market (NEM). This information has been curated to allow our clients to value, compare, and contrast potential battery storage projects earlier in development to make timelier and improved decisions…

  • Marginal Loss Factor Curve

    Our Marginal Loss Factor modelling service provides an annual National Electricity Market (NEM) site-specific MLF forecast for the next 30 years. It is built based on our power system modelling and NEM Benchmark Power Curve using consistent input assumptions from our other modelling and subscription services, such as demand profiles,…

  • Great Britain Benchmark Power Curve

    Our Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, which provides market and technology-specific forecasts. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by our significant market, policy and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts.  We use scenario-based “Central, High and Low” 30-year projections of electricity…

  • North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve*

    *Germany Austria and Benelux Our North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by our significant market, policy and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts. We use scenario-based “Central, High…

  • 5-Year power price projector

    Our 5-year power price projection service is designed to provide foresight of potential market price developments and to enable customers to plan activities and budgets accordingly. The 5-year power price projection provides the same level of exceptional quality and insight given in our long-term ‘Benchmark power curve service’, but over…

  • Market Intelligence > Flexibility

    NEM FCAS market curve

    Cornwall Insight’s National Electricity Market (NEM) Frequency Control Ancillary Service (FCAS) market curve is designed for lenders, equity investors, developers, and operators to support them in investment cases, budgeting, asset benchmarking and business planning. The service provides subscribers with a granular settlement period price forecast for all 10 FCAS markets…

  • Forecasts > Network Forecasts

    Transmission Network Use of System charges forecast

    As the GB networks change to incorporate the rapid build out of low-carbon technologies, understanding network charges is becoming critical to assessing business cases for new and existing projects, especially in assessing locational decisions and impacts. Cornwall Insight’s ‘Transmission Network Use of System charges (TNUoS) forecast’ is part of our…

  • Market Intelligence > Low Carbon Generation

    SEM Benchmark Power Curve

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘SEM Benchmark Power Curve’ (formally the All-Island Power Curve), is a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service that delivers long-term price forecasts, informed by industry-leading regulatory, market and policy expertise, and supplemented with direct access to trusted practitioners. The service is designed for banks and debt…

  • Market Intelligence > Flexibility

    NEM Benchmark Power Curve

    The NEM Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive market and asset-level electricity modelling service. It delivers long-term wholesale power price forecasts informed by industry-leading regulatory, market, and policy experts and supplemented with direct access to trusted practitioners. The report provides a quarterly update on the power price impacts of major…

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