Business Motoring | EV feature

Katie Hickford Analyst at Cornwall Insight featured in Business Motoring’s EV guide. She shared her thoughts on the current choice of electric vehicle (EV) tariffs on the market. Katie explained that at the current choice of tariffs available to new EV owners is small, with a total of 11 suppliers offering a tariff. In addition, being an existing customer with a smart meter is required for many of the EV tariffs on the market, with the large supplier group still dominating the current EV offerings.

Katie explained that as EV sales continue to rise, we would expect more innovative tariff offerings to cater for this section of customers, especially as the uptake of EVs moves to mass adoption.

EV tariffs can provide households with savings compared to a standard tariff offering, but there is reduced choice currently, with comparisons between the different offerings challenging, although improvements are being made for consumers.

Katie Hickford

Business Motoring