The latest quarterly updates from our Benchmark Power Curves

Long-term, technology-specific power price forecasts are crucial for making sound investment decisions. But with the rapidly changing market landscape, obtaining credible, comprehensive insights can be a challenge. That’s where Cornwall Insight’s Benchmark Power Curves step in to deliver the forecasting expertise you need. 

Backed by our deep market knowledge and rigorous modelling capabilities, our Benchmark Power Curves provide: 

  • Long-Term Pricing Projections: Our 30-year price forecasts, informed by robust scenario analysis, give you a reliable view of electricity price ranges across different technologies, empowering you to make confident investment cases and strategic plans. 
  • Technology-Specific Insights: Gain a tailored understanding of how evolving market dynamics will impact the revenue potential of your renewable and conventional generation assets. 
  • Integration with Financial Models: Seamlessly incorporate our asset-level revenue projections into your own financial models, enabling sophisticated budgeting, benchmarking, and business planning. 
  • Banked Wholesale Power Forecasts:  Our widely banked wholesale power curves provide credible forecasts and give confidence when used for investment decisions 
  • Regulatory and Policy Risk Mitigation: Stay ahead of changes to the regulatory landscape and market conditions. Our Benchmark Power Curves help you proactively adapt your strategies to mitigate emerging risks. 

With our Benchmark Power Curves, you’ll have the comprehensive insights and credibility you need to secure buy-in from investors, lenders, and your board.  

View summaries of the main headlines from this quarter’s Benchmark Power Curves to learn more about our power price forecasting. 

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