Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence

  • Market Intelligence > Business supply and services

    TPI report

    The 'TPI report' is part of our Business supply and services package, and provides you with a detailed analysis of how different players succeed in the sector. Understanding how the vast number of Third-party Intermediaries (TPIs) operate in the market can be a challenge. This report helps you understand the...

  • Market Intelligence > Low Carbon Generation

    Within-year ROC forecast

    The 'Within-year ROC forecast' is part of our Revenue streams and PPA insight service, and tracks the latest ROC generation trends. It examines the latest Renewable Obligation Certificate (ROC) data, out-turn demand data, weather statistics and settlement data for the current compliance period. The Renewables Obligation (RO) is the largest...

  • Market Intelligence > Revenue Streams & PPA Insight

    Within-year ROC forecast

    The 'Within-year ROC forecast' is part of our Revenue Streams & PPA insight service, and tracks the latest ROC generation trends. It examines the latest Renewable Obligation Certificate (ROC) data, out-turn demand data, weather statistics and settlement data for the current compliance period. The Renewables Obligation (RO) is the largest...