
  • Ireland

    Route to RESS

    Our 'Route to RESS' service deploys insight to help you navigate through the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) auction process. The service consists of a set of tools to assist the market entry and auction process including, analysis of competitor landscape, intelligence around bid pricing, forward power curves and bespoke advisory...

  • Ireland

    Route to market service

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘Route to market service’ provides an in-depth analysis of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for the growing range of asset types in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The service is aimed at asset developers, owners, operators, optimisers, investors and third-party advisors. Issued annually, the ‘Route to market service’...

  • Ireland

    Battery Storage Optimiser

    Our in-depth understanding of the market makes us uniquely placed to help you understand and assess the opportunities for battery storage projects in the Irish market. Our experts will help you understand changes in regulation and the future arrangements for system services which will impact battery storage assets. Leveraging decades...

  • Ireland

    Hydrogen, CCUS and green gas production

    Cornwall Insight advises customers involved in the emerging hydrogen economy, those seeking to develop power generation with Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) and green gas production.

  • Ireland

    Net zero corporates and ESG

    Cornwall Insight advises business energy consumers both to reduce cost exposure and improve their Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Our consultants work with businesses to help them capture the value from supply agreements based on existing cost structures, corporate Power Purchase Agreements, demand-side response and net zero strategies.

  • Ireland

    Energy storage and flexibility

    We are at the forefront of the energy storage and flexibility sector, helping customers successfully deploy battery storage, flexible power generation and demand-side response. In addition, we provide strategy and business case development, revenue forecasting and commercial and regulatory investment due diligence.

  • Ireland

    Heat decarbonisation

    Decarbonisation of heat is one of the major challenges in meeting net zero by 2050. The UK has some of the most inefficient housing stock in Europe, and the heat mix is heavily reliant on natural gas. The sector presents a major opportunity for technology and infrastructure firms, investors, suppliers, and more.

  • Ireland

    E-mobility and low carbon transport

    Transport decarbonisation provides numerous material opportunities to a diverse range of market parties across multiple sectors. We provide bespoke support and advisory services at the intersection of the energy and transport markets, ranging from market entry through to commercial modelling, business model analysis and transaction due diligence assessments.

  • Ireland

    Low carbon generation

    Cornwall Insight’s low carbon generation consultancy services give you the market intelligence you need to anticipate where the market is heading. Our experts have a deep and practical understanding of the complex commercial and regulatory aspects of the sector.

  • Ireland

    Power and gas networks

    Our consultancy team has a detailed understanding of existing power and gas networks and their future direction, ranging from network company business models to generation and demand connection arrangements and corresponding ongoing network charges.

  • Ireland

    Business and home supply/services

    Cornwall Insight has unrivalled insight and experience in the energy supply and services market. We provide actionable advice on the full breadth of the market, including routes to market and propositions, costs to serve, energy services, trading and hedging, and competitor strategies. We have supported numerous suppliers with risk management, enabling them to flourish in a challenging market.