
  • Australia

    Commercial, retail, and PPA market advisory

    Cornwall Insight can provide PPA advisory services to support your organisation understand different PPA structures and pricing across the Australian market. This can be on behalf of owners of generation assets looking to maximise returns on invested capital or on behalf of buyers of energy looking to reduce electricity consumption costs or decarbonise consumed energy.

  • Australia

    Red flag assessment, curtailment projections, network capacity

    Cornwall Insight Australia provides clients with an independent assessment of assets, including identifying potential red flags, assessing MLF and curtailment risk, and the outlook for particular areas of the network in terms of capacity buildout and network capacity.

  • Australia

    Market entry strategy

    Cornwall Insight Australia provides an independent assessment and analysis of market entry strategy, including technology risks and opportunities, project identification, and comprehensive analysis of the potential addressable market and segmentation of customers and industries most likely to be captured.