Energy Storage and flexibility

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Flexibility market signals for the electrification of heat

    Electrification of heat could lead to annual residential electricity demand increasing by 50% by 2035 and peak demand doubling by 2050, requiring more electricity generation and network capacity. Consumer engagement will be important to help mitigate the increase in peak residential electricity demand from electrification of heat. We are working...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    What does REMA mean for you?

    Join our customer webinars on the current Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) consultation. Get expert insights on the impact of the proposals before the second consultation closes on 7 May 2024. REMA is a once in a generation review of the electricity market seeking to ensure energy security, support...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Revenue Stacking for Flexibility Workshop

    Join National Grid Electricity Distribution and Cornwall Insight for a workshop on Revenue Stacking for Flexibility. This session, taking place on Wednesday, February 14th from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, will: Highlight our infographic on Revenue Stacking for Flexibility. Outline key findings and recommendations to enhance future opportunities. Focus on gathering your...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    What are the commercial opportunities for battery storage in Ireland?

    11am-11:45am | Thursday 12 October 2023 In this webinar, our experts will explain how our new battery storage optimisation model can support you in assessing the commercial opportunities of batteries in the Irish market. The battery market in Ireland is going through a period of rapid evolution, and in this...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Market Summer Outlook 2023

    On 11 May, Cornwall Insight will be hosting a webinar covering our independent views, analysis, and outlook for the energy market ahead of summer 2023.  As current market conditions retract from last year’s bullishness, uncertainty remains present across gas, power and commodity markets. We will unpick the key drivers of the GB wholesale...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Achieving Net Zero by 2050 – The role of solar and batteries

    SSE and Cornwall Insight have an upcoming webinar on 19 January: Achieving Net Zero by 2050 - The role of solar and batteries. The UK has a legally binding target to achieve Net Zero by 2050. To meet this target, our energy systems require significant transformation and decarbonisation. This webinar...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Webinar | Co-location, co-location, co-location

    7 December 2022 | 1:15pm - 3pm As the UK transitions to net zero, the energy generation mix will become increasingly dominated by intermittent renewables, promoting a greater need for flexibility within the energy system. Setting up new renewable assets, especially storage, is currently a long and often costly process....

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Free webinar | GB Battery Sector Update and Archetypal Curves

    This webinar will provide an update on recent developments in the GB battery sector, including market trends, revenue stream considerations and findings from our Archetypal Battery Curves. Register here

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Market Summer Outlook 2022

    This open webinar will cover our independent views, analysis and outlook of the upcoming summer 2022 period. As current market conditions remain highly volatile and subject to much uncertainty, we will: unpick the key drivers of the GB wholesale energy marketslook at price impacts for the summer periodoutline the changes...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Masterclass Series: Draft ISP and the Energy Storage Rule Change

    2022 Energy Masterclass Series with Baker McKenzie and Cornwall Insight Australia Webinar 1: Draft ISP and the Energy Storage Rule Change Australia's energy markets are currently undergoing significant transformation as the energy sector pushes forward with the energy transition to a net-zero carbon economy. The Energy Security Board (ESB) and...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Limbering up: the changing face of flexibility markets

    The flexibility space in GB is undergoing significant change, with new services for response and reserve going live this year. In this hour-long webinar, Cornwall Insight's subject experts will summarise the latest headline trends, signposted change and market developments to watch out for, and unveil our forecasts, which are part...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Masterclass Series: Future Fuels – the Commonwealth Government strategy and market, regulatory, and contractual insights

    2021 Energy Masterclass Series: Future Fuels - the Commonwealth Government strategy and market, regulatory and contractual insightsThe third and final Masterclass session for 2021 will provide insights and an overview of the Future Fuels Strategy and hydrogen and bio-fuels energy strategy as proposed by the Commonwealth Government's Department of Industry,...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Smart Energy Virtual conference and exhibition

    The Smart Energy Council is hosting Australia’s second Virtual Smart Energy Conference and Exhibition on Thursday, 9 December 2021. As part of the Operating Solar Farms & Big Batteries theme on Stream 2, Cornwall Insight Australia managing director Alba Ruiz Leon will be speaking on "Large scale renewable and batteries:...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Financing net zero

    The Financing net zero forum keeps you informed of the critical issues and helps you evaluate the opportunities and challenges involved in funding decarbonisation and related topics in the UK and abroad. Our experts will take you through the very latest regulatory, policy, market and industry news, so you can...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Flexibility forum

    The ‘Flexibility forum’ is part of our Flexibility package and allows you to acquire an in-depth, real-time understanding of the commercial flexibility landscape. It discusses the issues that are currently and will be impacting flexibility and the demand-side response sector helping you identify the risks and opportunities for your business....