Low carbon generation

  • Low carbon generation

    Powering Up: A Look at the Political Parties’ Plans for Energy

    Would you like to know more about what impact the outcome of the General Election could have on the energy landscape? Join us on Tuesday 25 June, for this customer-exclusive webinar, where our experts will provide a round-up of the main parties’ plans and what the energy landscape could look like depending on the election’s outcome. This will include: A review of the main parties' manifestos campaign...

  • Low carbon generation

    Wind in their sails: further traction gained on offshore wind in Ireland

    This is an exciting time for offshore wind in Ireland. Over the last few weeks, we've seen several positive and substantial policy developments to boost the industry and improve certainty for investors. These announcements come at a time, when according to the CCAC, progress towards our climate targets is behind...

  • Low carbon generation

    Heat Networks Market Webinar: Consumer Protection

    Heat networks are a maturing market. Government policy ambition to support the development of the heat networks market is ramping up and statutory regulation for heat networks is shortly to be implemented. In this webinar Cornwall Insight and Heat Trust will help you understand the progress towards heat network regulation...

  • Low carbon generation

    Hurdling to net zero: Overcoming the obstacles to renewable deployment and investment

    As the UK transitions to net zero the capacity of renewable generation and storage connected to the grid will need to significantly increase from the current volumes. However, the deployment of this renewable capacity at pace is not without its challenges. Difficult macroeconomic conditions, growing international competition for capital, issues...

  • Low carbon generation

    CfD AR6: key mechanics, changes & considerations

    Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 6 is fast approaching and is likely to be of heightened interest to developers following government’s publication of the Core Parameters. Cornwall Insight is holding a short workshop for market participants looking to engage. This will provide a refresher of the auction mechanics, detail notable...

  • Low carbon generation

    Is Germany Going Green? Charting Germany’s Energy Transition webinar

    In this webinar, we will provide our unique analysis on the German power market utilising the latest modelling outputs from our brand-new power price forecasting service for Germany and adjacent markets in North West Europe.   The North West Europe (Germany, Austria and Benelux) Benchmark Power Curve includes: 30-year forecasts...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Market Summer Outlook 2023

    On 11 May, Cornwall Insight will be hosting a webinar covering our independent views, analysis, and outlook for the energy market ahead of summer 2023.  As current market conditions retract from last year’s bullishness, uncertainty remains present across gas, power and commodity markets. We will unpick the key drivers of the GB wholesale...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Webinar | Co-location, co-location, co-location

    7 December 2022 | 1:15pm - 3pm As the UK transitions to net zero, the energy generation mix will become increasingly dominated by intermittent renewables, promoting a greater need for flexibility within the energy system. Setting up new renewable assets, especially storage, is currently a long and often costly process....

  • Low carbon generation

    Co-location, co-location, co-location 

    Our upcoming webinar, in partnership with law firm Weightmans, will consider several opportunities and use cases for the co-location of different renewable energy technologies. Combining different technologies through co-location can help unlock additional revenue streams, but also comes with added risks and complexities that can put off investors. Our event...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    SSE Energy Solutions and Cornwall Insight Electric Vehicle Webinar

    The UK is ending the sale of all new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030. So, if you haven’t already, it’s important to start thinking about how your business can manage the transition to electric driving.  Join SSE Energy Solutions and Cornwall Insight for a free electric vehicle (EV) webinar...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Energy Market Summer Outlook 2022

    This open webinar will cover our independent views, analysis and outlook of the upcoming summer 2022 period. As current market conditions remain highly volatile and subject to much uncertainty, we will: unpick the key drivers of the GB wholesale energy marketslook at price impacts for the summer periodoutline the changes...

  • Low carbon generation

    Webinar | Unlocking routes to market

    Our upcoming webinar, in partnership with law firm Weightmans, will focus on routes to market for renewable projects that may not secure a contract during the Contracts for Difference auction which opened in December 2021. In the absence of the revenue certainty provided by a contract with a credit-worthy counterparty...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Financing net zero

    The Financing net zero forum keeps you informed of the critical issues and helps you evaluate the opportunities and challenges involved in funding decarbonisation and related topics in the UK and abroad. Our experts will take you through the very latest regulatory, policy, market and industry news, so you can...

  • Low carbon generation

    Scottish generators forum

    The ‘Scottish generators forum’ provides you with an in-depth understanding of the latest developments for renewable and flexible technologies located in Scotland. With meetings held once every two months, the forum gives you a platform to discuss the latest issues that may affect you. The meetings are designed explicitly with...

  • Low carbon generation

    Quarterly ‘Benchmark power curve’ briefings

    A comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service. Scenario-based “Neutral, High and Low” 20-year projections of electricity prices in Australia’s NEM. Our ‘Quarterly benchmark power curve briefings’ are the perfect opportunity for subscribers to the ‘Benchmark power curve’ to ask any questions you may have from our service while...

  • Low carbon generation

    Green generators group

    If you would like to find out more about a subscription to the Green generators group, please email Tom Ross at t.ross@cornwall-insight.com The monthly forum is part of our Low carbon generation package and covers a wide range of policy, regulatory and market news. The meeting offers a platform to...