
  • Home supply and services

    The role of connected homes in achieving net zero

    A connected home is defined as one with multiple integrated devices that can be automated and easily controlled to create a safe, convenient, and comfortable environment. The largest companies operating in the connected home sector are the technology majors such as Amazon, Google and Apple, but there are also many...

  • Heat networks

    The future of UK heat networks – critical comparisons with European markets

    The UK faces a variety of challenges in terms of tackling heat decarbonisation and implementing effective, low-risk options to serve toward meeting 2050 targets. Carbon produced from heat is the single largest contributor to overall emissions in the UK, at 37% of the total per year. Heat networks may have...

  • Low carbon generation

    Rationalising Micro-generation Exports

    In this Rationalising Micro-generation Exports insight paper, we set out a four-part solution to ensure the continuation of a guaranteed route to market for micro-generation exports as the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme closes to new investment on 1 April 2019. This paper builds on the September 2018 UnFiT for Purpose...

  • Low carbon generation

    A Great Leap Forward? Offshore Wind in Ireland

    The Irish energy industry faces fundamental changes, making this research a timely and important call to action. Ireland has only 25MW of installed offshore wind capacity but has some of Europe’s best wind resource. Large-scale deployment has strayed behind other markets due to lack of strong policy support. However, evolving...