Cornwall Insight

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Flexibility market signals for the electrification of heat

    Electrification of heat could lead to annual residential electricity demand increasing by 50% by 2035 and peak demand doubling by 2050, requiring more electricity generation and network capacity. Consumer engagement will be important to help mitigate the increase in peak residential electricity demand from electrification of heat. We are working...

  • Low carbon generation

    Powering Up: A Look at the Political Parties’ Plans for Energy

    Would you like to know more about what impact the outcome of the General Election could have on the energy landscape? Join us on Tuesday 25 June, for this customer-exclusive webinar, where our experts will provide a round-up of the main parties’ plans and what the energy landscape could look like depending on the election’s outcome. This will include: A review of the main parties' manifestos campaign...

  • Low carbon generation

    Wind in their sails: further traction gained on offshore wind in Ireland

    This is an exciting time for offshore wind in Ireland. Over the last few weeks, we've seen several positive and substantial policy developments to boost the industry and improve certainty for investors. These announcements come at a time, when according to the CCAC, progress towards our climate targets is behind...

  • Low carbon generation

    Heat Networks Market Webinar: Consumer Protection

    Heat networks are a maturing market. Government policy ambition to support the development of the heat networks market is ramping up and statutory regulation for heat networks is shortly to be implemented. In this webinar Cornwall Insight and Heat Trust will help you understand the progress towards heat network regulation...

  • Low carbon generation

    Hurdling to net zero: Overcoming the obstacles to renewable deployment and investment

    As the UK transitions to net zero the capacity of renewable generation and storage connected to the grid will need to significantly increase from the current volumes. However, the deployment of this renewable capacity at pace is not without its challenges. Difficult macroeconomic conditions, growing international competition for capital, issues...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    What does REMA mean for you?

    Join our customer webinars on the current Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) consultation. Get expert insights on the impact of the proposals before the second consultation closes on 7 May 2024. REMA is a once in a generation review of the electricity market seeking to ensure energy security, support...

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Revenue Stacking for Flexibility Workshop

    Join National Grid Electricity Distribution and Cornwall Insight for a workshop on Revenue Stacking for Flexibility. This session, taking place on Wednesday, February 14th from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, will: Highlight our infographic on Revenue Stacking for Flexibility. Outline key findings and recommendations to enhance future opportunities. Focus on gathering your...

  • Low carbon generation

    CfD AR6: key mechanics, changes & considerations

    Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 6 is fast approaching and is likely to be of heightened interest to developers following government’s publication of the Core Parameters. Cornwall Insight is holding a short workshop for market participants looking to engage. This will provide a refresher of the auction mechanics, detail notable...

  • Courses

    An Overview of the Japanese Electricity Markets

    Workshop: 28 Sept, 2023 10am – 12:30pm (UK time) Alongside Shulman Advisory, this workshop will uncover the opportunities and challenges for asset owners, developers and investors as the Japanese electricity markets undergo a significant transition towards lower carbon and greater competition. The workshop provides a broad overview for those looking...