network charging

  • Energy Storage and flexibility

    Flexibility forum

    The ‘Flexibility forum’ is part of our Flexibility package and allows you to acquire an in-depth, real-time understanding of the commercial flexibility landscape. It discusses the issues that are currently and will be impacting flexibility and the demand-side response sector helping you identify the risks and opportunities for your business....

  • Courses

    GB energy network charging

    Modular training - £145 per module The charges suppliers, shippers and generators face for moving energy across GB’s gas and electricity networks are created from a range of models and methodologies. Our market experts will introduce the regulatory principles underpinning network charging and how network companies’ allowed revenues are translated...

  • Webinars

    Optimising renewable asset values in 2020

    With wholesale prices at record lows and subsidy scheme values varying significantly, understanding how to extract the most value from renewables assets is becoming increasingly important. Aimed at existing generators in the market, our experts will provide Cornwall Insight’s latest views on how the changing market landscape for wholesale energy,...