Low carbon generation

  • Low carbon generation

    Japan Power Market Outlook – Q2 2024

    The Japan Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts in partnership with Shulman Advisory. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by significant market, policy, and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts. This summary report provides an overview of trends for the Japan Power...

  • Low carbon generation

    Save it for later: the role of LDES in Ireland’s future power system

    In its transition to net zero, Ireland’s power system will undergo fundamental changes as it shifts from a reliance on thermal generation from imported fossil fuels to generation from indigenous, intermittent, renewables. Among these changes is the growing need for flexibility to help maintain system stability. This includes the provision...

  • Low carbon generation

    Blowin’ in the Wind: Is offshore wind the answer to Ireland’s net zero future?

    As Ireland works towards achieving net zero by 2050, there is a pressing need to develop additional renewable energy capacity. Offshore wind is likely to be a particularly important sector and, thanks to Ireland’s large offshore exclusive economic zone, presents a valuable opportunity for the Irish economy. Cognisant of this...

  • Low carbon generation

    A year of progress: Low-carbon Hydrogen Policy Index findings

    Since publishing the previous iteration of the Low-carbon Hydrogen Policy Index in April 2023, the global hydrogen market has continued to grow and develop as both national governments and industry stakeholders have sought to expand the role of hydrogen in their decarbonisation plans. See what changes have happened since the...

  • Low carbon generation

    Battery storage in Japan: An up-and-coming market?

    This paper includes exclusive insights from Cornwall Insight’s Japan Benchmark Power Curve. In this insight paper, we discuss the demand and challenges accompanying Japan's changing energy mix. Aiming to address whether, as the transition to net zero creates greater need and opportunities for faster dispatch electricity storage, could Japan represent...

  • Low carbon generation

    Latest developments in the TPI space

    We recently published our 2023 Annual TPI report which provides an independent review and analysis of the market for TPIs, and the services provided by them. The report also looks at the current challenges and opportunities for TPIs, such as regulatory changes, competition with suppliers, and diversification of services. 2023...

  • Low carbon generation

    Is Germany going green? Charting Germany’s energy transition (2nd edition)

    This paper includes exclusive insights from Cornwall Insight’s North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve. The first edition of this report was published in June 2023. Using exclusive insights from our new North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve, our insight paper assesses the impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges on Germany’s...

  • Low carbon generation

    Is Germany going green? Charting Germany’s energy transition (2nd edition)

    This paper includes exclusive insights from Cornwall Insight’s North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve. The first edition of this report was published in June 2023. Using exclusive insights from our new North West Europe Benchmark Power Curve, our insight paper assesses the impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges on Germany’s...

  • Low carbon generation

    Learning curves and the many moving parts of the CfD Auctions

    Learning curves are an important part of the toolbox of energy system modelling, representing the benefits of learning by doing and the economies of scale. The learning rate describes how as production doubles capacity cost reduces, so a learning rate of 15% would imply that as production doubles, costs would...

  • Low carbon generation

    Q4 2023 All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030 overview

    This report provides an annual overview of trends for the All-Ireland Power Market out to 2030 using outputs from Cornwall Insight’s latest forward curve for the All-Island (AI) Single Electricity Market (SEM) covering Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This publication is based on comprehensive market and asset-level power...

  • Low carbon generation

    GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 Q4 2023

    This report provides an annual overview of trends for the GB Power Market out to 2030 using outputs from Cornwall Insight’s latest Benchmark Power Curve (BPC) for the British Electricity Market covering England, Scotland and Wales. This publication is based on comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling that delivers...

  • Announcement

    New South Wales REZ outlook

    From Cornwall Insight Australia's Energy Market Perspective Our quarterly Energy Market Perspective contains an analysis of indicative capacity at REZ zones throughout the NEM.  The following assessment for NSW is from our latest edition. Request Energy Market Perspective call back The strategic development of Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) in New...

  • Announcement

    Latest Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) forecasts

    Cornwall Insight Australia recently launched our Marginal loss factor (MLF) curve subscription insight service. The MLF curve provides future projections of MLF throughout the NEM, allowing clients to be better informed of likely MLF trajectories for both current projects and be able to benchmark MLFs for projects under development. The...

  • Low carbon generation

    Transforming the Energy Market: how change will work for consumers

    The past two years have seen rocketing energy prices, as households and businesses grapple with bills far beyond pre-crisis levels. There is no way to turn back the clock, however, we can look to seize the many opportunities to reshape and future-proof the UK energy system, ensuring a brighter future...

  • Low carbon generation

    De-risking renewable development: CI RESS Model inspires policy changes in RESS 3 T&Cs  

    Last year, we partnered together with Wind Energy Ireland (WEI) to produce a report titled “Improving Revenue Certainty and Risk Allocation for New Renewable Generators”, which explored potential auction policy changes for the RESS auction that would help de-risk renewable investment for developers and generators. At the heart of this...

  • Announcement

    2022/23 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry Cornwall Insight Australia has released its latest compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, electric vehicles, and...

  • Low carbon generation

    Understanding the evolution of the Irish electricity markets

    The Irish electricity sector has undergone significant change in recent years. The Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) arrangements introduced in 2018 fundamentally transformed the market framework to maximise competition, facilitate electricity wholesale trading, and incentivise the development of low-carbon generation sources. In parallel the physical system continues to evolve rapidly....

  • Low carbon generation

    Government publishes Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2023

    This article is an extract from our Energy Spectrum Ireland service, which is a monthly publication and weekly news bulletin covering key developments in the Irish and Northern Irish energy sectors. If you are interested, we are currently offering a free trial which you can sign up to by filling...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Delays to onshore wind investment increase long-term power prices in Ireland

    Note: Cornwall Insight Ireland release the 'All-Island Power Market Outlook 2023' on a quarterly basis. The increase in long-term power prices refers to the comparison with our Q3 Power Market Outlook released in October 2022. Data from our fourth - ‘All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030’ – has forecast that...

  • Business supply and services

    What happened in 2022 in the energy market?

    The GB energy market never stands still and 2022 was no different. In this infographic, we look back at some key happenings from the past year in different segments of the GB energy market.  Click the image below to see our snapshot.

  • Business supply and services

    Top 3 predictions for the energy transition

    Robert Buckley, our Head of Relationship Development, gave his top 3 predictions for the energy transition in 2023. 1) Decarbonisation destabilisation Europe’s energy market is going through a war-driven restructuring away from Russian gas which will take years. Wholesale gas, coal and carbon prices will remain very high much longer...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    2022’s most exciting ‘Charts of the Week’

    Some of our team have looked back throughout 2022 and picked their most exciting ‘Chart of the Week’.​Their choices include exploring green tariffs, wholesale gas prices, CfD allocation round 4 and the MHHS Implementation Levy.  It’s My Birthday – Two years of Dynamic Containment Picked by Tom Faulkner, Head of...

  • Low carbon generation

    Video podcast: What is REMA and why is it needed?

    Join our energy experts, Senior Consultant, Kate Mulvany and Research Partner, Dr. Dan Atzori as they discuss the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA), why it is needed, how the energy market is reacting and responding to it and how Cornwall Insight can help businesses navigate REMA. Watch the full...

  • Home supply and services

    Why short-term high wholesale prices aren’t the key driver of domestic energy bills

    The current cold snap across most of western Europe has resulted in high wholesale electricity prices. Observed prices in the GB wholesale market are typically higher than those in neighbouring electricity markets, and here we provide an explanation of why this is likely the case but also why short-term periods...

  • Low carbon generation

    Benefits of household rooftop solar – a personal point of view

    This blog is the first in an irregular series from the Cornwall Insight team on their experiences of installing or owning various energy assets. In 2018 I finally acted on the desire to install my own generation at home, largely prompted by the looming closure of the Feed in Tariff...

  • Low carbon generation

    UKERC issues response to REMA consultation

    On 3 November, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) published a response to BEIS’ Review of Electricity Market Arrangement (REMA) consultation. Our experts discuss what the response addresses and how some of the proposals would place new responsibilities on retail energy suppliers. Read the full blog on our What is REMA portal, which...

  • Low carbon generation

    Our response to the announcement of the January price cap

    The Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) will shield consumers from the January price cap of £4,279 announced by Ofgem on 24th November, however the rise will be concerning to the government, who will be shouldering the billions of pounds needed to compensate suppliers the difference. While the January price cap was...

  • Low carbon generation

    62% of respondents think there is a 2 in 5 chance the GB electricity system will be decarbonised by 2035

    Our latest Net zero transition: Future of electricity markets online training course was held on 15 – 17 November, where we asked delegates for their thoughts on several aspects of the future of the GB electricity market. The polls can be seen in our newest REMA portal - a hub...

  • Low carbon generation

    RESS 3 consultation: DECC is listening, but the true test will be in the detail of the solutions incorporated 

    The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) published the consultation for the third round of the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS 3) on 28 October 2022. Some of the issues drawn out in the consultation is a testimony that DECC has its ears on the ground and is...

  • Low carbon generation

    Is a windfall tax on renewable generation appropriate?

    Update after the new Budget announcement on 17.11.2022 In the Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced that the Energy Profits Levy on Oil & Gas (O&G) companies will be raised from 25% to 35% from 1 January 2023 and extended until March 2028. Additionally, there will be a new, Electricity Generator...