• Press Releases

    New findings show 1.1GW increase in Renewable PPAs

    Latest research from Cornwall Insight’s ‘Renewable PPA market share report’ highlights that the market for renewable PPAs is showing increased capacity despite challenges in the sector. In fact, Cornwall Insight assessed a total of 30,710MW* of renewable PPA capacity, a 1,190MW increase from our previous report, which assessed capacity as...

  • Media Mentions

    Power Engineering International | UK renewables won’t meet 2050 target

    The current market and options available for new-build renewables are inadequate to keep the UK on track to meet its net-zero target commented Tim Dixon Team Lead at Cornwall Insight in Power Engineering International. Our research shows a rate of subsidy-free Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) and utility Power Purchase...

  • Press Releases

    Current market for new-build renewables doubtful in meeting net zero target

    The current market and options available for new-build renewables are inadequate to keep the UK on track to its net zero target. According to National Grid Future Energy Scenario (FES), the UK needs approximately 87-113GW (scenario dependent) of renewables capacity by 2030 and 197-231GW by 2050. That is an annual...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Green Certificates survey | REGO prices 50% higher than January

    Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) prices are on the rise, according to the latest results from Cornwall Insight’s Green Certificates survey. In fact, reported average REGO prices have increased for Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) years 2020-21 up to 2023-24, with averages up to 50% higher than the January 2021...

  • Media Mentions

    Energy Global | Renewable PPAs

    Energy Global featured our PPA survey research which shows the power purchase agreement (PPA) market for renewable assets continues to be highly competitive. In fact, the PPA market for renewable generation assets has seen a significant rise in the £/MWh value achieved by generators, particularly in the short-term market (deals...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight PPA Market share survey | Increased interest and competition boost market

    The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for renewable assets continues to be highly competitive, according to the latest survey results from Cornwall Insight’s PPA insight service. In fact, the PPA market for renewable generation assets has seen a significant rise in the £/MWh value achieved by generators, particularly in the...

  • Press Releases

    Slow and steady wins the CPPA race in Ireland

    The Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) market in Ireland is being targeted by the government as a viable route to help achieve its 2030 renewable energy targets. The Irish government has set out a goal of 15% of renewable electricity directly contracted to corporates by 2030. The latest insight paper...

  • Press Releases

    Can market driven subsidy-free PPAs deliver deeper, wider decarbonisation?

    In a week in which the prospect of legislating for net-zero is again in the headlines, a solid prospectus for delivering deeper and wider power sector decarbonisation has never been more critical. A positive outcome of the closure of subsidy schemes has been the way in which resilient and adaptable...

  • Press Releases

    Shortfall in Ireland’s 70% renewable target

    The Irish government recently announced that Ireland’s ambitions for tackling climate change would no longer lag behind the rest of Europe, with their commitment to having 70% of all electricity generated coming from renewable sources by 2030. Research from Cornwall Insight Ireland shows that as things currently stand there is...