
  • Press Releases

    Increase in energy exports to the continent raises long-term GB power price predictions

    Cornwall Insight's latest report on the GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 has seen a rise in our projections for power prices in the latter half of the decade. Estimates indicate that prices are likely to remain above £100/MWh until 2030 and likely beyond. The predictions, from data modelled in...

  • Media Mentions

    The Daily Telegraph | French interconnection

    Tom Edwards was quoted in The Daily Telegraph about the interconnection between France and the UK. Discussing if the UK could cope if France cut off its interconnection supply Tom said that while we could cope it would be more expensive. However, Tom explained that Brexit has already made power...

  • Media Mentions

    The Guardian | Coal plants used

    Tom Edward Senior Modelling Consultant spoke to The Guardian about the coal-fired plants being fired up in the UK. The supply squeeze had caused market prices for electricity generated in the early evening, when electricity demand typically spikes, to climb to over £313 per megawatt hours (MWh).Renewable electricity is in...

  • Media Mentions

    Financial Times | National Grid issues

    Tom Edwards Senior Modelling Consultant at Cornwall Insight comments on National Grid's warning for the second time in three week's featured in the Financial Times. National Grid warned that supplies of electricity in Britain are going to be stretched as fewer-than-expected power generators will be available at peak times, while...

  • Media Mentions

    Current | GB could become a net exporter of power by 2040s

    Our modelling has predicted that Great Britain (GB) could become a net exporter of power to the continent by the 2040s. There is increased interconnection expected in the 2020s and 2030s between the island and the continent. And therefore, there will be more routes for excess offshore wind power to...