negative prices

  • Press Releases

    High wholesale prices and negative pricing events forecasted to grow

    Research from Cornwall Insight’s Benchmark Power Curve, which forecasts the power market to 2045 under different net zero scenarios, highlights volatility in the wholesale power market is set to increase. Its central case scenario predicts that the standard deviation of hourly wholesale prices could reach £41.8/MWh by 2030. In the...

  • Media Mentions

    Greentech Media | Renewables and market prices

    Tom Edwards Senior Modelling Analyst shared his thoughts on renewables and why European power prices have yet to see a significant fall in Greentech Media. There are several reasons for this including renewables still account for a relatively small proportion of generation. Tom explains that there’s another, more important factor...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: Surge in negative pricing

    As a consequence of COVID-19 and its effect on energy demand, wind now represents a more substantial proportion of Great Britain’s (GB) energy mix. At the same time, CCGT plant is having to respond to lower load factors. This has resulted in not only record low wholesale prices but a...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Ireland comments on negative wholesale prices in the SEM

    On 5 April the Irish Single Electricity Market (SEM) experienced a negative day-ahead trading price for almost the whole day. The below graph shows the day-ahead market starting at -€6.0/MWh, before falling as low as -€14.5/MWh at 2:00 pm. Overall, the day saw 20 of the hourly settlement periods outturn...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight comments on negative wholesale prices recorded for the first time

    On 9 December the UK experienced a negative day-ahead trading price for the first time, with prices for 03:00 AM to 04:00 AM UTC delivery on the hourly day-ahead auction dropping to -£2.84/MWh. This was caused by exceptionally high wind generation in GB throughout the weekend combined with low demand...

  • Press Releases

    Negative imbalance price phenomenon predicted to rise

    On Sunday (24th March), imbalance prices turned negative for 13 consecutive settlement periods, as low electricity demand and high levels of wind output led the System Operator to reduce generation output from a variety of wind, combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) and biomass power stations. Negative pricing in the Balancing...