
  • Press Releases

    Energy suppliers face over £1.9bn of debt as households struggle to pay their bills

    A new report from Cornwall Insight and Complete Strategy – ‘Bad debt and energy suppliers: A systemic risk’ – has shown domestic energy suppliers could be exposed to approximately £1.9bn of debt1, of which a significant portion could be unrecoverable. The amount of unrecoverable debt, known as bad debt, facing...

  • Media Mentions

    Greentech Media | Renewables and market prices

    Tom Edwards Senior Modelling Analyst shared his thoughts on renewables and why European power prices have yet to see a significant fall in Greentech Media. There are several reasons for this including renewables still account for a relatively small proportion of generation. Tom explains that there’s another, more important factor...

  • Media Mentions

    Current | Costs of renewables fall

    Tom Edwards, Senior Modelling Consultant at Cornwall Insight spoke to current on the costs of deploying renewable electricity continuing to fall. He explained how the figures also show that hurdle rates for solar and wind have come down since the 2016 report, “while hurdle rates for traditional thermal technologies remain...

  • Press Releases

    Feed-in Tariff costs set to rise to an all-time high

    Research from Cornwall Insight shows that Feed-in Tariff (FiT) costs for the upcoming quarterly levelisation* could reach an all-time high, covering the period April – June 2020. The combination of extremes in sunshine hours and low energy demand resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown has created the perfect conditions to drive...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight comments on £51mn cost to balance the electricity system over the Bank Holiday

    The Bank Holiday (23-24 May) saw the UK experience warm yet windy weather. Coupled with the significantly low levels of energy demand observed during the lockdown, it is no surprise that the level of activity from National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) to turn down generation was high. As a...