• Media Mentions

    Ends Report | UK ETS

    Laura Woolsey Analyst at Cornwall Insight commented on the UK emissions trading scheme UK ETS in Ends report. Laura discussed the concerns that the cost of the UK’s carbon emissions trading allowances could increase dramatically when auctions begin and possibly requiring government intervention. The UK has initially set its emissions...

  • Media Mentions

    The Daily Telegraph | French interconnection

    Tom Edwards was quoted in The Daily Telegraph about the interconnection between France and the UK. Discussing if the UK could cope if France cut off its interconnection supply Tom said that while we could cope it would be more expensive. However, Tom explained that Brexit has already made power...

  • Media Mentions

    Energy Monitor | Investment flows

    Daniel Atzori Research Partner at Cornwall Insight discussed foreign direct renewable energy investment with Energy Monitor These numbers are certainly impressive, though not entirely surprising. Through its EU Green Deal and Recovery Fund, the bloc has shown a remarkable degree of commitment to the transition towards a climate-neutral Europe by...