
  • Press Releases

    The Economic Viability of Decarbonisation by Electrifying Heat

    A new report from Cornwall Insight, sponsored by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI), has outlined the challenges that energy intensive industries (EIIs) face in decarbonising their heat supply, typically natural gas-powered, when seeking to switch to grid-supplied electricity. This new report - Addressing the Cost of Electrification' - provides...

  • Press Releases

    Response to the extension of the Energy Profits Levy

    Kate Mulvany, Principal Consultant at Cornwall Insight said: “Increasing the duration of the oil and gas windfall tax (Energy Profits Levy) could be seen as positive for decarbonisation if the resulting profits are used to deliver the UK's net zero plan. Yet, without a solid transition strategy away from the...

  • Press Releases

    Despite slow progress, Ireland has strong potential for developing a low carbon hydrogen economy

    Ireland is making strides towards a low carbon hydrogen economy, with the potential to climb up the ranks of Cornwall Insight's Hydrogen Index1. While currently holding the lowest ranking in the Index, Ireland has announced plans to publish a "policy and regulatory roadmap for green hydrogen use" in 2023. This,...

  • Press Releases

    Long-term regulatory and policy changes needed to avoid stalls to business decarbonisation

    A new report from Cornwall Insight has set out a range of regulation and policy changes the government could examine if it wants to avoid a slowdown or stalling of business investment in decarbonisation. The report “Business net zero: Making progress in a challenging economy” warns that against a backdrop...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight’s response to the announcement of the Energy Bill Discount Scheme

    Gareth Miller, CEO at Cornwall Insight said: “Yesterday, the government announced that the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) would be replaced by a less supportive Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS) from April 2023. The government have been managing expectations on reducing support levels for business energy costs for several months...

  • Press Releases

    New report shows fuel bills could rise 90% under Government’s hydrogen plans

    Replacing gas with hydrogen for home heating would result in huge energy bill rises for households over the next three decades, a report by energy analysts Cornwall Insight has found. The report, commissioned by MCS Charitable Foundation, projects that hydrogen would cost 70-90% more than gas on average. The authors...

  • Press Releases

    Smaller businesses could cut bills and their carbon footprint by teaming up to purchase their energy

    Data from Cornwall Insight, included in their insight paper ‘A corporates guide to decarbonising power’ has shown that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to save money on energy bills, and increase their use of renewable energy, could save money by purchasing their energy jointly with other SMEs through...

  • Press Releases

    The UK must provide more certainty to investors as it pushes forward with decarbonisation and energy security

    New research from Cornwall Insight and Transatlantic law firm Womble Bond Dickinson has laid out what the UK government must do to achieve an affordable, sustainable and secure energy system and reach its goal of Net Zero by 2050. The report ‘UK and the energy transition: Leading the way?’ analysed...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight’s response to the Queen’s Speech

    Gareth Miller, CEO at Cornwall Insight:   ”The Energy Bill proposed in the Queen’s Speech today is a logical conclusion of policy development in the period since the net zero commitment was made in the summer of 2019. It accommodates support for the government’s preferred production technologies alongside more recent...

  • Press Releases

    Are hydrogen heating solutions an option for decarbonising residential heating in Ireland?

    Cornwall Insight have released a report assessing the potential of hydrogen in the challenging task of decarbonising residential heating in Ireland. The report found that lowering the CO2 emissions from residential heating would be a key component in Ireland achieving its ambitious vision to reach net zero by 2050. While...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight comments on the Energy White Paper

    Commenting on the government's release of the Energy White Paper, which sets out plans to decarbonise the UK's energy system, Gareth Miller, CEO of Cornwall Insight, said: “The Energy White Paper maps out the biggest change to the energy markets since the Electricity Act of 1989. Many of the headlines...

  • Media Mentions

    Bloomberg | UK EV demand

    Our thoughts on EV demand and how it would boost the whole EV supply chain was featured in Bloomberg today. Discussing the phase-out of fuel cars completely Jacob Briggs said that this would be positive signal for EV investment The increasing EV demand is a positive signal for the whole...

  • Press Releases

    Electricity generation is transforming with net zero. Does power market design need to do the same?

    The decarbonisation of the power sector is accelerating through the rapid expansion of low marginal cost renewable generation. As a result, the current electricity market design and the marginal price-based determination of the price of power risk acting as an ever-growing barrier to investment needed to fulfil the net zero...