
  • Press Releases

    Solar and wind to account for just 44% of power generation by 2030

    Cornwall Insight's latest Benchmark Power Curve forecast shows that solar, onshore and offshore wind are currently on schedule to account for just 44% of Great Britain's electricity generation by 2030. This is a significant shortfall from the 67% needed for a fully decarbonised electricity system, as projected by our modelling experts....

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight’s response to the King’s Speech

    Kate Mulvany,Principal Consultant at Cornwall Insight said: "The King's speech provided some welcome clarity on the new government's plans to accelerate the green energy transition. “With such ambitious goals, the government will need to show quick progress to assure both industry and consumers that it will meet its manifesto promises....

  • Press Releases

    Shulman Advisory and Cornwall Insight forge partnership to empower Japan’s journey to net zero

    Cornwall Insight and Shulman Advisory, an expert energy consultancy based in Japan, are proud to announce their new partnership aimed at advancing Japan’s journey towards net zero. Our combined expertise will deliver market leading insights, enabling asset developers, investors, utilities and other energy businesses in the Japanese market to achieve...

  • Press Releases

    Supporting renewables good for consumers

    A new Cornwall Insight and RenewableNI report sets out how supportive Department for the Economy (DfE) policy can reduce the renewable electricity cost for consumers. ‘Supporting Renewables - Understanding policy impact on the cost to the consumers of renewable development in Northern Ireland’ investigated how DfE’s renewable electricity support scheme...

  • Media Mentions

    The Energyst| Investment in renewables

    Following the release of our Insight Paper ‘Race to net zero: Rebuilding Investor confidence in the UK’ Jamie Maule was interviewed in the Energyst. He highlighted concerns about international competition potentially hampering investments in UK renewables. He said, the UK isn't a lost cause, but we need sustained, long-term policies to...

  • Media Mentions

    Times| Households paid to cut energy

    Prior to the 'Demand Flexibility Service' being activated, our Senior Modeller Tom Edwards spoke with The Times about the rising energy demand in winter and the worries surrounding insufficient wind output to meet the additional energy requirements. Times

  • Press Releases

    Irish power prices to rise in 2024 while renewables goals hang in the balance

    A new report forecasting power prices out to 2030, has shown a jump in short-term prices. The data from Cornwall Insight’s All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2023, predicts prices will rise to nearly €190/MWh for 2024, three times the pre-2021 average.   The increase in the near-term forecast has been...

  • Press Releases

    Government’s renewable targets at risk as auction sees no bids for offshore wind

    The government has today unveiled the results of its fifth Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction (AR5), securing 3.7GW of renewable capacity. This is a marked reduction from last year’s secured capacity of 11GW, with government renewables targets potentially at risk. The auction, which saw developers able to bid on a...

  • Press Releases

    Soaring cost of capital threatens to derail expansion of renewable energy projects

    The rising cost of capital faced by developers of renewable energy projects, such as onshore wind and solar PV, may slow down the number of new projects and cause some already commissioned projects to become financially unviable. Data from Cornwall Insight’s report into capital costs and their impacts on the...

  • Press Releases

    Victoria must increase transmission capacity to meet offshore wind targets

    Data analysed by Cornwall Insight Australia has shown that Victoria will need to increase its transmission capacity in the South East by an additional 2GW by 2035 and 7GW by 2040 if it wants to capitalise on new capacity and help meet the state’s ambitious offshore wind targets. The Bass...

  • Press Releases

    Drop in power price predictions up to 2030 but prices to remain above pre-pandemic levels for next decade

    New data from Cornwall Insight has shown a drop in our predictions for power prices up to 2030 as Europe secures alternative energy supplies to compensate for reduced gas flows from Russia. The data included in our fourth 2022 – GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 – has shown price...

  • Press Releases

    Victorian Government announcement could help address supply gaps but raises questions for other investors

    The Victorian Government’s announcement on Thursday to resurrect the State Electricity Commission (SEC) may largely address supply gaps identified from recent Cornwall Insight Australia analysis. According to the proposal, the SEC will receive $1b of initial investment to deliver 4.5GW of renewable power, this should help address the supply gap...

  • Press Releases

    Increase in renewables sees winter energy prices drop below historic average by 2027

    Data from Cornwall Insight Ireland’s third 2022 - ‘All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030’ - has forecast Ireland is set to reach its 80% renewable target by 2030, with the increased energy security helping to stabilise the market and lower long-term energy prices. The report covering both Northern Ireland and...

  • Press Releases

    Battery storage to be a quarter of Ireland’s installed energy capacity by 2030

    Data from Cornwall Insight Ireland’s - ‘All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030’ paper - has shown battery storage capacity will grow to become nearly a quarter (24%) of Ireland's installed energy capacity by 2030. The crucial technology will work to stabilise the network, as Ireland becomes more reliant on renewables...

  • Press Releases

    GB sees largest ever renewable energy auction at low prices and low consumer costs

    Today, the government released the results for the fourth round of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme, securing a record 11GW’s of renewable capacity across 93 projects, nearly double the 5.8GW awarded in the 2019 Allocation Round 3. The greatest capacity – almost 7GW – has been secured from new...

  • Press Releases

    Wind generation is a double-edged sword for Australia

    Following the Victorian Government’s announcement of Australia’s first offshore wind targets1 as part of its transition towards a net-zero emission future, Cornwall Insight Australia have released research showing the impact wind generation has on energy wholesale prices. The data shows that while high levels of wind generation lower the median...

  • Media Mentions

    Smart Energy International| Applications for the government’s CFD auction

    As the applications for the government’s largest-ever Contracts for Difference auction closed, Tim Dixon, Lead Analyst, spoke to Smart Energy International on why developers were considering alternative options. A more inclusive funding round from the government has also come with high levels of competition, likely to push down bids. Newly...

  • Media Mentions

    Renewable Energy Magazine | 8 GW of wind eligible for CfD AR4

    Cornwall Insight's research on the Contracts for difference (CfD) scheme featured in Renewable Energy Magazine. The research shows that eligible solar pipeline of ~3 GW, up by ~1.8 GW on the same time 12 months ago, with CfD eligible onshore wind capacity at ~5 GW, up by around 1 GW...

  • Press Releases

    Up to 1900MW of wind eligible for RESS-2

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘Route to RESS service’ has examined the potential capacity of wind and solar that could enter the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS-2) auction in Ireland, with the analysis showing that approximately 1900MW (1800GWh) of solar and 1600MW (4800GWh) of wind is eligible to bid for the 3500GWh pot....

  • Press Releases

    Minimal wind generation in Victoria highlights the importance of good interconnection

    According to the latest research from Cornwall Insight Australia, the minimal wind generation observed at the beginning of July in Victoria highlights the importance of good interconnection between states as variable renewable energy (VRE) grows. Figure 1 shows the half-hourly generation by technology within Victoria over the second week of...

  • Press Releases

    Incidents of price cannibalisation of renewable assets on the rise

    Research from Cornwall Insight Australia shows that the growth of variable renewable energy (VRE) generation significantly impacts their captured price. In fact, in FY18, 98% of the grid-scale solar generation volumes captured prices above $50/MWh. However, this has reduced to 12% in FY21. On top of this, wind and solar...

  • Press Releases

    48.9GW of new renewables projects currently in the scoping stages

    Renewables projects labelled as “scoping” currently represents 50% or 48.9GW of the total viable pipeline capacity*, according to the latest analysis from Cornwall Insight. Of this 48.9GW "scoping" total, 38.6GW is from offshore wind, 5.0GW from battery projects, 3.0GW from onshore wind and 1.5GW from solar PV. This includes some...

  • Media Mentions

    Daily Express | Scottish policy

    James Brabben Wholesale Manager at Cornwall Insight was quoted in the Daily Express discussing renewable energy in Scotland. He explained there may be issues on the energy agenda Scottish politicians would like to control, but that might not be possible because policies are made elsewhere. Discussing the Contracts for Difference...

  • Media Mentions

    The Independent | UK’s energy grid

    Tom Edwards Modelling Consultant at Cornwall Insight was quoted in The Independent discussing the energy grid and how it is holding back the transition to net zero. There is a need for change according to Tom. Network charging arrangements were built in the 1990s when it was thought we were...

  • Media Mentions

    The Guardian | New wind power record

    Due to Storm Bella, on Boxing Day, more than half of the country’s daily electricity came from wind turbines. However, the reliability of wind energy is a concern. Our research shows that the electricity system operator increased its reliance on gas-fired power plants by 20% in September compared with the...

  • Press Releases

    Current offshore wind pipeline falls short of 40GW by 2030 target

    Latest figures from Cornwall Insight’s ‘Renewables pipeline tracker report’ show that even if all current offshore wind sites with leasing are developed in the coming years, total offshore wind capacity would only reach 29.7GW by 2030. The report currently tracks 22 sites across both floating and fixed foundation technologies, with...

  • Media Mentions

    The Guardian | Coal plants used

    Tom Edward Senior Modelling Consultant spoke to The Guardian about the coal-fired plants being fired up in the UK. The supply squeeze had caused market prices for electricity generated in the early evening, when electricity demand typically spikes, to climb to over £313 per megawatt hours (MWh).Renewable electricity is in...

  • Media Mentions

    Riviera | CfD pipeline

    Our CfD pipeline predictions featured in Riviera. Our figures show the total 17 GW eligible, almost half (7.9 GW) is offshore wind. The rest is 7.6 GW of ‘Pot 1’ established technologies and 1.4 GW of ‘Pot 2’ less established technologies. Recent announcements by BEIS have confirmed the CfD AR4...

  • Press Releases

    Up to 17GW of renewables eligible for CfD AR4

    Cornwall Insight’s Renewable Pipeline Tracker service has examined the potential capacity that could enter the Contract for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round (AR) 4, with the analysis showing there is currently 17GW* of technologies likely to be eligible to bid. This analysis is based on Cornwall Insight’s unique tiering system in...

  • Press Releases

    Ireland will need to more than double its renewable capacity over the next 25 years to meet 2050 targets

    Findings from Cornwall Insight's 'All-Island forward curve' – a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service – shows that Ireland will need to more than double its renewable capacity over the next 25 years if it is to meet net zero emissions by 2050. The below table shows how...