
  • Press Releases

    Proactive investment and planning rule reform needed to strengthen energy network

    Cornwall Insight’s response to the King's Speech announcing the government's intent to reform energy grid connections. Tom Faulkner. Head of Assets & Infrastructure and Networks at Cornwall Insight: “The government’s commitment to reforming energy grid connections is a crucial first step, but getting network reforms right is a complicated task....

  • Press Releases

    Reform of electricity network charges and balancing markets could fast-track energy transition

    Reforming charges for using the electricity network and reviewing how generators and customers provide flexibility to the system, could accelerate cost-effective decarbonisation of the electricity system, and help GB meet its net-zero targets. A new report1, from Cornwall Insight in partnership with SSE, explores how rethinking the Transmission Network Use...

  • Media Mentions

    GreenTech media | Europe’s Supergrid Plan

    Daniel Atzori Research Partner at Cornwall Insight discussed Europe's Supergrid plan. Daniel explained that the SuperNode idea might also be hard to get off the ground. The advantages of the SuperNode are that it adopts a holistic, pan-European and collective approach to the electrification of the continent.Daniel Atzori, Research Partner...

  • Press Releases

    The UK should be planning for a more advanced heat network

    The latest insight paper from Cornwall Insight – The future of UK heat networks ­– critical comparisons with European markets – examines the development of the UK heat networks and highlights what lessons can be learnt from other markets. Key findings of the report are: Peer analysis of Germany, Netherlands...