
  • Press Releases

    The Economic Viability of Decarbonisation by Electrifying Heat

    A new report from Cornwall Insight, sponsored by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI), has outlined the challenges that energy intensive industries (EIIs) face in decarbonising their heat supply, typically natural gas-powered, when seeking to switch to grid-supplied electricity. This new report - Addressing the Cost of Electrification' - provides...

  • Press Releases

    Ageing power plants forecast to drive up grid supply costs until end of decade

    New forecasts from Cornwall Insight’s Power Curve Report show that the price paid to electricity generators to maintain a stable electricity supply in the UK will remain at least £51 per kilowatt (kW) annually until the end of the decade. Substantially higher than the current £18kW rates. Ageing power plants...

  • Media Mentions

    Irish Times| Electricity prices to fall

    Following the release of our All-Island Forward Curve our Senior Modeller Sarah Nolan spoke in the Irish Times, on why higher than anticipated gas storage in Europe is forecast to push down power prices over the next year. Irish Times

  • Press Releases

    European LNG supply under pressure amid escalating competition and price surge

    A new report from Cornwall Insight has exposed the challenges facing Europe's Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) supply, as growing competition from China and price rises increase pressure on the gas market. The analysis, focusing on LNG security over the upcoming winter, highlights that heightened Chinese gas demand, driven by economic...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight release final forecast for July price cap

    The predictions for the Default Tariff Cap in this piece are out of date please click HERE to find our most up to date forecasts. Cornwall Insight has announced its final forecast for the Q3 2023 Default Tariff Cap (price cap) following the closure of the observation window1 on 18 May. Based...

  • Press Releases

    Cap on the excess revenues of renewable generators risks deterring investment

    In response to the announcement of a consultation on a Cost-Plus-Revenue Limit which will put a cap on all excess revenues renewable generators are receiving. Tom Faulkner, Head of Assets and Infrastructure and Networks at Cornwall Insight said: “The introduction of a cap on the revenues of renewable generators is...

  • Media Mentions

    The Daily Telegraph – Energy crisis intensifies

    Tim Dixon spoke to The Daily Telegraph about the mounting energy crisis seen in Great Britain. Explaining why we are seeing high wholesale prices Tim said gas storage levels across Europe are well below levels we would expect them to be heading into a winter season There is still uncertainty...

  • Media Mentions

    Financial Times | wholesale prices hit all time high

    Day-ahead power prices hit their highest level on Cornwall Insight records. Discussing this in the Financial Times, Joe Camish, Senior Analyst at Cornwall Insight, said that these highs were due to a combination of factors, including a global shortage for gas. He explained that if prices continue, the effect will...

  • Media Mentions

    Montel | LNG supply

    Craig Lowrey Senior Consultant at Cornwall Insight was quoted in Montel discussing LNG supply. The UK continues to face a severe lack of LNG amid still strong Asian demand for the fuel, resulting in growing concerns about gas availability and an inevitable surge in prices. Craig Lowrey, senior analyst at...

  • Press Releases

    Renewables Gas Guarantees of Origins certificate prices continue to fall

    Results from Cornwall Insight’s latest Green Certificates Survey indicate the price of Renewables Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGO) certificates continues to fall. Relative to the March 2020 survey, the average reported RGGO price has fallen 30% to ~£6/MWh for 2019 vintage RGGOs and dropped 15% to ~£7/MWh for 2020 vintage...

  • Media Mentions

    Engerati | Flexible asset PPA deals

    Our research from our Flexible asset PPA market report showing that there is currently around 10.8GW of operational flexible capacity in the GB market featured in Energrati. The number of market participants that are providing PPA/optimisation deals is also growing. Currently, there are more than 20 offtakers (broadly defined as...

  • Media Mentions

    ECAtoday | Batteries on the grid

    Our figures showing that between June and August 2020, the National Grid Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) reliance on battery storage to balance the grid rose by 150 per cent was featured in ECAtoday What is most interesting is the technologies that have been providing these balancing actions to the ESO.Newer...

  • Media Mentions

    PowerTechnology | Batteries see 149% increase in the BM

    Our ‘Balancing Mechanism report’ has found that accepted volumes in the Balancing Mechanism (BM) from identified batteries, gas reciprocating engines, and aggregated units across June – August 2020 have all increased, This research was featured in PowerTechnology. It is no surprise that the BM experienced a notable increase in activity...

  • Press Releases

    LNG changing the UK gas supply mix

    The last quarter (Q119) saw a significant change to the UK’s gas supply mix, as the UK’s gas interconnector imports started to become displaced by a surge in LNG imports. Interconnector imports and LNG send-out have changed from 4.6% and 17.0% of total gas supply in February to 0.1% and...

  • Press Releases

    Gas demand volatility linked to renewables

    On 1st March 2018, when the UK was amid the ‘Beast from the East’, National Grid issued a gas deficit warning for the first time since the system was introduced in 2012. The warning followed multiple gas supply outages, including South Hook LNG terminal, Kollsnes gas processing plant and the...

  • Press Releases

    Gas proxy still relevant in SEM

    Historically, gas prices in Great Britain have largely influenced hedging strategies in the Irish Single Electricity Market (SEM), acting as the proxy commodity of choice. A proxy hedge involves using one commodity in another market with prices that are closely correlated. GB gas prices are chosen due to its inherent...