
  • Media Mentions

    The Guardian | Coal plants used

    Tom Edward Senior Modelling Consultant spoke to The Guardian about the coal-fired plants being fired up in the UK. The supply squeeze had caused market prices for electricity generated in the early evening, when electricity demand typically spikes, to climb to over £313 per megawatt hours (MWh).Renewable electricity is in...

  • Media Mentions

    S&P Global Market Intelligence | European wind developers

    James Brabben Wholesale Manager at Cornwall Insight talked to S&P Global about the wind developers in Europe. He explained that 20 projects in the UK with a combined capacity of 665 MW have applied to either extend sites with additional turbines or replace existing machines with larger models. The time...

  • Media Mentions

    The Guardian | National Grid using coal

    Tom Edwards commented on National Grid using a coal-fired power station for the first time in 55 days in The Guardian today. I feel solidarity with the power stations finding it too hard to do anything today.Tom Edwards, Senior Modelling Consultant The Guardian