• Press Releases

    Irish power prices expected to drop as gas storage levels remain high

    New forecasts from Cornwall Insight’s SEM Benchmark Power Price Curve indicate power prices are set to fall in 2024-25. Power prices are expected to drop from an average €106 per MWh during the previous 2023-24 fiscal year, to €91 per MWh over the 2024-2025 fiscal year, marking a 14% decrease....

  • Press Releases

    Irish energy demand increase as lockdown restrictions are lifted

    Research from Cornwall Insight Ireland highlights that as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted across Ireland, energy demand in the Single Electricity Market (SEM) has increased. Weekday demand has risen by 3% (3GWh) on average, with current weekday demand levels averaging 94GWh since the lockdown restrictions started to ease on 18...

  • Press Releases

    20% drop in weekday Irish electricity demand due to COVID-19

    With a large proportion of specific sectors throughout Ireland having either closed or scaled back their operations due to COVID-19; a significant drop in Ireland’s electricity demand on weekdays has been observed. In fact, research from Cornwall Insight Ireland, comparing the first week in March with last week, shows that...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Ireland comments on negative wholesale prices in the SEM

    On 5 April the Irish Single Electricity Market (SEM) experienced a negative day-ahead trading price for almost the whole day. The below graph shows the day-ahead market starting at -€6.0/MWh, before falling as low as -€14.5/MWh at 2:00 pm. Overall, the day saw 20 of the hourly settlement periods outturn...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: decrease in Irish energy demand

    Research from Cornwall Insight Ireland highlights that since Ireland went into lockdown on 16th March energy demand in the Single Electricity Market (SEM) averaged 6% down since the start of the month. This drop in demand is shown in the below graphs. Ruth Young Training Consultant at Cornwall Insight Ireland...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Ireland comments on the RESS-1 Qualification Application Closing Date extension

    Commenting on yesterday’s announcement on the extension to the RESS-1 prequalification deadline, Ruth Young Training Consultant at Cornwall Insight Ireland, said: “Given the significant challenge that the ongoing COVID-19 crisis poses for RESS participants and EirGrid alike, it will have come as little surprise that the Minister has now agreed...

  • Press Releases

    Analysing wind forecasting in the Irish energy market

    It is expected that Ireland will see greater penetration of wind generation in the next 20 years. According to the Tomorrow Energy Scenarios (TES) installed capacity forecast Ireland will have between 6GW to 8.2GW by 2040. With wind generation growth set to continue, forecasting wind accurately will become increasingly important....

  • Press Releases

    SEM one year on | Analysing market volatility since go-live

    The beginning of October marked the first anniversary of the new Irish and Northern Irish Single Electricity Market (SEM).  Already there is a marked change from its predecessor with the day-ahead electricity market in the SEM seeing significant volatility during its first year. In fact, findings from Cornwall Insight show...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Ireland comments on the proposed increase to Imperfections Charge

    A proposed increase to the Imperfections Charge* (and Incentive Outurn) has been discussed in a consultation paper that has been issued by the SEM Committee (SEMC). This was in response to the transmission system operator’s (TSO’s) submission – where they proposed an increase of 53% on the 2018-19 tariff year...

  • Press Releases

    Gas proxy still relevant in SEM

    Historically, gas prices in Great Britain have largely influenced hedging strategies in the Irish Single Electricity Market (SEM), acting as the proxy commodity of choice. A proxy hedge involves using one commodity in another market with prices that are closely correlated. GB gas prices are chosen due to its inherent...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Ireland’s analysis of the high pricing in the Balancing Market

    On 24th January the balancing market recorded the highest price since ISEM went live, at €3774/MWh, this was more than double the previous high the market had recorded. This resulted from SONI (System Operator in Northern Ireland) issuing an amber alert due to generation losses in NI. The alert was...