Energy demand

  • Press Releases

    GB energy demand reaches last year’s levels for the first time since COVID-19 lockdown

    Lockdown measures created a sudden fall in electricity demand at the end of March and into April, with demand falling by ~15% below 2019 levels. However, recent research from Cornwall Insight shows that since July, there has been a gradual rise in energy demand back up towards 2019 levels. In...

  • Press Releases

    Irish energy demand increase as lockdown restrictions are lifted

    Research from Cornwall Insight Ireland highlights that as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted across Ireland, energy demand in the Single Electricity Market (SEM) has increased. Weekday demand has risen by 3% (3GWh) on average, with current weekday demand levels averaging 94GWh since the lockdown restrictions started to ease on 18...

  • Media Mentions

    Power Technology | Balancing charges and lockdown

    Lee Drummee Analyst at Cornwall Insight featured on Power Technology discussing the effects of fall in energy demand, caused by the UK Covid-19 lockdown on the Balancing Mechanism. He explained that the fall in energy demand because of the Covid-19 lockdown was always expected to increase the £/MWh rate of...

  • Press Releases

    Energy demand increases as lockdown restrictions lifted

    The COVID-19 lockdown had a significant impact on Great Britain’s (GB) energy demand, causing it to drop by almost 15-20% compared to the previous year. However, analysis by Cornwall Insight shows that as GB has slowly started to ease out of lockdown and some sectors start to reopen, electricity demand...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: reduction in inertia levels

    Analysis by Cornwall Insight reveals that inertia* levels have been falling over time as the proportion of synchronous generation has declined. The below graph highlights the drop in inertia and shows 2020 levels are significantly lower. While we are not even halfway through the year the shape of the curve...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: Energy demand and emissions across Europe

    Research from Cornwall Insight has investigated the impact on the daily average electricity demand and carbon emissions across five European countries during the four weeks from 23 March – the commencement of lockdown in the UK. Overall, all five markets - Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain have seen...

  • Press Releases

    20% drop in weekday Irish electricity demand due to COVID-19

    With a large proportion of specific sectors throughout Ireland having either closed or scaled back their operations due to COVID-19; a significant drop in Ireland’s electricity demand on weekdays has been observed. In fact, research from Cornwall Insight Ireland, comparing the first week in March with last week, shows that...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: decrease in Irish energy demand

    Research from Cornwall Insight Ireland highlights that since Ireland went into lockdown on 16th March energy demand in the Single Electricity Market (SEM) averaged 6% down since the start of the month. This drop in demand is shown in the below graphs. Ruth Young Training Consultant at Cornwall Insight Ireland...

  • Press Releases

    Non-energy charges set to rise due to falling energy demand

    As a result of the government-imposed lockdown energy demand for power has fallen dramatically, declining by 0.10TWh against March 2019. Research from Cornwall Insight predicts that if this 0.10TWh decline is maintained across the originally announced three-week lockdown, the aggregate impact of this daily decline across this period would be...

  • Press Releases

    COVID-19 impacts: decrease in energy demand

    Research from Cornwall Insight highlights that a day after the government imposed lockdown, energy demand was down 13% across the day (Wednesday 25 March). This was much lower than the average Wednesday in March 2019, which is shown in the below graph. Tom Edwards Senior Modeller at Cornwall Insight said:...