
  • Media Mentions

    Engerati | Flexible asset PPA deals

    Our research from our Flexible asset PPA market report showing that there is currently around 10.8GW of operational flexible capacity in the GB market featured in Energrati. The number of market participants that are providing PPA/optimisation deals is also growing. Currently, there are more than 20 offtakers (broadly defined as...

  • Press Releases

    Average energy prices decreased by 46% in Q1 2020 compared to 2019, but peaks are up

    Research from Cornwall Insight Australia shows that on average energy prices declined significantly in Q120 compared to 2019 – averaging a decrease of ~46% across the NEM. In fact, in Q120 New South Wales (NSW) was the only region where prices were higher (on average) than Q119 (only Victoria (VIC)...