
  • Press Releases

    Is the market putting the brakes on distributed solar exports?

    Research from Cornwall Insight Australia shows market conditions putting the brakes on distributed solar exports. In fact, there are substantial savings if consumers switch retailers without installing solar compared to opting to install solar panels with one of the big three retailers. The below graph compares the choice between installing...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight PPA Market share survey | Increased interest and competition boost market

    The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for renewable assets continues to be highly competitive, according to the latest survey results from Cornwall Insight’s PPA insight service. In fact, the PPA market for renewable generation assets has seen a significant rise in the £/MWh value achieved by generators, particularly in the...

  • Press Releases

    Feed-in Tariff costs set to rise to an all-time high

    Research from Cornwall Insight shows that Feed-in Tariff (FiT) costs for the upcoming quarterly levelisation* could reach an all-time high, covering the period April – June 2020. The combination of extremes in sunshine hours and low energy demand resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown has created the perfect conditions to drive...

  • Press Releases

    Non-energy charges set to rise due to falling energy demand

    As a result of the government-imposed lockdown energy demand for power has fallen dramatically, declining by 0.10TWh against March 2019. Research from Cornwall Insight predicts that if this 0.10TWh decline is maintained across the originally announced three-week lockdown, the aggregate impact of this daily decline across this period would be...

  • Press Releases

    Smart Export Guarantee tariffs Vs market values

    On 1 January 2020, the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) came into effect. The SEG mandates that electricity suppliers with over 150,000 customers offer at least one tariff for power exported to the grid from renewable generators smaller than 5MW. Obligated suppliers are required to provide tariffs with rates above 0p/kWh...